Cancer people's characteristics and personality

  cancerCharacteristics and personality

Considerate, the personality is conservative, moderate implicative, be good at taking care of others, give a person warm feeling safe, but not good at express their inner feelings, is sensitive, emotionally vulnerable, cancer soft hearted is one of the best in the 12 zodiac signs.

Cancer people naturally sentimental, tend to depression and daydreaming, he often in the past the good old days and keyed to remember, and easy to live in the past, the position of the mercury in cancer will reinforce this character), but he also can fully grasp now.Cancer people indomitable will, once the plan, must be put into practice.For private interests, sometimes too generous, should avoid unnecessary luxury.

Cancer people easy to have extreme emotional expression, their emotional rain or shine, to temper often well;Question to others, you also can follow their own happy to reject or refuse to answer;In good times, he has become the best of the audience to give full play to the advantages of understanding, considerate idea.Their character often swing between the two extremes, only when affected by the family, is likely to settle down, natural love for cancer family, marriage and cherish them.

Cancer men petty, and often for a little something insignificant, without allowing people magnanimity, like an enraged hedgehog often erect and spikes, keep people away, but in his own words carelessly hurt friend, also can have self-knowledge, guilty, should learn tolerance, understanding others, so add the polite charming personality, sociable, rich sense of humor and respect for humanitarian, will attract a lot of friends.In fact sign of cancer are often under the strong appearance, hiding the weak heart, he is like this - of the constellationA crabWith hard like breastplates shell armed themselves closely.

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