What will you do on cancer anger to the fullest

  cancerWhat will you do on anger to the fullest

What will you do on cancer anger to the fullest

Cancer angry, often experience three stages.First by sulking ways to express their dissatisfaction.If you're not aware of, they will remind you pay attention to in the form of more obvious.If you not pay any attention, will enter the destruction of the third stage: point out that all you've done something wrong, whether can you still remember, the cancer's good memory.

What will you do on cancer anger to the fullest

When your anger to the extreme, they don't want to do anything.They do things very easily affected by emotions, once the mood is very poor don't want to work.They just want to hurry back to his home, and then quietly stay.They will find some can let oneself to quiet down the movie, or find friends about things, through friends comfort will gradually calm down.


?Key words: please silently felt anger into form

What will you do on cancer anger to the fullest

Cancer angry will be divided into several stages: stage 1, they will just sulk;The stage 2, if people still unconcerned, they would hide in their shell.Helpful hints, if the cancer has open ego to protect mode, that is not to ignore the (if you don't want to be left).Need you at this time with sweet greasy dirt love them out of the shell.Stage 3, if the cancer still didn't get what they want, then turn into a burst of tears, and the repression of the past all emotions, will all fall into your head.

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