What is cancer has the worst of lies

Cancer has the worst of the lie is what _ the zodiac

cancerOften seen as honest.This is partly because their emotions are sensitive, always eager to share with the people around the most true feelings, on the other hand is because the psychological vulnerability and maternal qualities, make them difficult to tolerate the existence of a lie.Couldn't solve the communication problem, in the face of the cancer not to lie to perfunctory, but choose to escape the self-preservation, like snail back their own shell, or the ostrich head buried in the sand.For the truth of the world, they have a natural instinct for approval, but they will construct a bastion of a belongs only to himself, and not to lie to infringe upon it.


Cancer's key phrase: don't want to curtilage at home.The lie said, the people around can be scornful of the cancer.Actually cancer most like is to stay at home do not go out, even if friends how is all useless, they don't go out.To cancer of the feeling is very good at home, are in their own world, constantly miss his past, and for their future goals.Cancer if you really want to go to effort, not by thought, action!

What is cancer has the worst of lies

Cancer don't like to lie, only occasionally and little lies.When he spoke in the old, his head down sneak out of the corners of her eyes squint, you look at what you have response;Rub with the hands nervously, cheek red, hemming, let a person feel he is a great injustice, this is probably lying.

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