Why cancer brush with true love

Why cancer and true love rub shoulders _ the zodiac

When true love is near, but pass and one by one;When they have an enviable love, don't complain about all day long true love, so do not cherish, gradually also do not deserve, let's go to have a lookcancerWhy is passed and true love.


Cancer people will brush with true love because they are too easy to entertain foolish ideas.Any of the opposite sex to find their lovers talking or inquire about something, they will want to crooked.Due to the inherently very insecure, so they are no matter what things have scared in his own do not pay attention to when I was lost.Especially when they see lovers really enjoyed chatting with each other, they become very emotional, finally explain entangled by the other party.

Cancer: because think too much

Why think so much?This is probably because you think too much, so the course of true love is not smooth, cancer man in love is indeed a transfer for a long time, but are you sure you love too long, a lot of people when no wait until you have given up.This sign do you also like to test a person's true or not, your trick is not so difficult to be see through.But let the right people know what you are trying to know what he wants, the natural affection is not very good!Trust all have no, no good love this say?

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