The single virgin Chinese valentine's day

The single virgin Chinese _ the zodiac

Today is a good day, because today is Chinese valentine's dayValentine's dayStreets, sidewalks, everywhere all have sweet figure, this holiday, for those who are single, what a sad holiday ah, each single dear friends don't worry, although can't sweet, but, in this festival, at least let yourself happy to spend, today, small make up, using the constellation to tell you, even if single will you happy through the day!

Virgo: street flower earn some pocket money

The rational supremevirgoInsipid, do not intend to spend the Tanabata, rather than to not accompanied by lovers to enrich their spiritual and feel sad, might as well choose to eat more from the material level "food".Virgo so intelligent, "calculating" to choose in this traditional festival full of romantic breath, took to the streets selling roses, sell flowers can not only promote the friendship between couples, also can earn pocket money, kill two birds with one stone, why not?

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