Which words will make cancer man broken slag

Which words make cancer man broken slag _ the zodiac

Each men all have pride and have their own bottom line, even if in love he would spoil you, lets you hit him scold him bossing him, but as long as you say some words his heart immediately broke into slag, let's take a look at what are together can makecancerBoys heart into slag.

The cancer man broken slag

When cancer boys hear their partners say "what qualifications do you have to say to me", they are in an instant by the extremely sensitive heart broken.Cancer's?Nearby people mood changes very sensitive, very fear for their own reasons lead to unhappiness.Because they lack a sense of security, will always give the other half a lot of care.Results were acquired at the cost of lover abandon, they will feel very sad, then automatically on both sides of the distance away.


Their life purpose is: can not broken heart never broken, must be broken heart to heart, not have the choice of broken pieces of fast recovery state.They are a natural and simple flat, don't like too much in my life the mammoth, too stimulating days they can't accept, had better not heart, otherwise can only quietly self-healing.

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