Cancer of the boys and girls love

cancerBoys and girls love

Cancer of the boys and girls love _ the zodiac

Cancer girl love: my moon above, only you

This girl is good at building the castle of love, a brick will love the crab pieces into the hard shell, with her gentle and powerful heart melting into the rich emotional supplies to them.In cancer girl love world, love itself and the other is always higher than yourself, it is because they always cast all emotions in it, that kind of feeling make each other can't live up to, the moon guard they willing to sacrifice, willing to tolerate, also know the most heaviest love must grow up withthe time.

Cancer boys love: to take care of my family, you take care of my mood

This boy is very love family, to oneA woman, free of outside is to obtain the stable feeling of a man's sincerity and affection itself, this cancer man can do two things well.However, the moon guard his heart is very sensitive, his time doing one thing is their heart, keep in a heroine will let him to his own crab shells, so for your cancer man, you must give enough love and tolerance, sometimes even to think of themselves as to care for his mood yo like his mother.


If the cancer when he was young very carefully to the sentiment, rely more on a love of his, after the mature they know more love themselves, is oneself give a sense of security, face the more rational attitude of love, will seize the initiative of love.

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