Cancer is a face or an strength

The so-called face, is long good-looking, it is a popular point is to see "vase", just a decoration, their duty is to just let oneself beautiful and even more beautiful, and rely on strength, those who have real ability, even if there is no looks no relationship, based on this world, so in our entertainment, people live on the face has a lot of, but there are those who live on power existed, small make up feel, on power is best bye, today, small make up the constellation is used to tell you that who is on the face?Who is to rely on the strength?

Cancer is a face or an _ the zodiac

cancerPainted by face index: rely on the strength index: u u u 】

Representative: articles, Chen xiao, cheney, liu tao, Qin Lan

Cancer by face index so low is not to say that they are ugly, but said they did not do your best efforts to exert their own conditions.Cancer people born shy introverted, and it is difficult to express your inner feelings, always give a person a kind of mood are calm and or wife and mother image, always have a feeling that put does not open, expression is only about a kind of smile, so their his range is more onefold, character.

Cancer is a face or an power related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query