Dream of cliffs

Dream of cliffs is what mean?Dream dream of cliffs, ok?Dream of cliffs with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of cliffs detailed solution.

Dream of cliffs

Dream of cliffs, is a reflection of you recent psychological too nervous.Dream of cliffs, may signal will be a serious threat to the property, or health overshadowed, let your heart vague uneasiness.In recent months, it is best to avoid speculative risk.

Dream, if you stand on the edge of the precipice, suggests there may be a disaster happen in yourself or your family, do be careful.

If the dream of success, climbing cliffs forecast through hard work, you finally overcome difficulties and obstacles and achieve success.

Dream of someone himself down from the cliff, remind you to all things be careful, is likely to trap, and even have dangerous life.

Dream of a stranger fell from the cliff, suggest you could beat his enemy, but also may lose some supporters.

Businessman dreamed that he fell from the cliff, indicated that your business may suffer heavy loss.

Sick of people dream of falling from the cliff, predict disease occur repeatedly, not better soon.

Feel anxiety for work staff, such as dream of falling from the cliff and predict work will encounter a serious crisis, is likely to be fired.

The old man dreamed that fell from the cliff, is to remind you to be careful of the safety of the offspring, there may be children early death.

Dream of the wifeFalling from the cliff, need not worry too much, said his wife would be more considerate care about you.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

See the cliff, the Lord has not auspicious."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream dream of cliffs, the majority of cases, indicate your property will be severely threatened, or your health will be affected.Dream of standing on the edge of a cliff, there is a kind of want to fall off fear, this is out of control in a reality show, or been frightened recently, is usually a feeling overwhelmed, general performance is under pressure and confusion.

Psychoanalysis: dream cliffs, usually indicates you recent psychological too nervous.

Spiritual symbol: remind you, no matter what the current could not impulsive decision in haste.Struggling not to lose ideal, don't let yourself get lost in the trivia of everyday life.

Dream of the case analysis ()

The dream dream description: I made the other day awful.I like walking in the mountain, walked and walked, I found myself walking onto the DuanBi.I want to stop, but it's too late, I dreamed that he suddenly fell down from the cliff, the result has been awakened.(female, 26)

Resolution: dream dream of cliffs, indicate your property will be severely threatened, or your health will be affected.Dream cliffs, it shows that your mind is too nervous.You are a businessman, dreamed of falling down from the cliff, the business will be severely affected;Patient dreamed of falling down from the cliff, showed that nearly a period you won't have much better;Workers dream of fell down from the cliff, there will be a risk of being fired.

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