Dream of dark clouds

Dream of overcast what meaning be?Dream dream of overcast, ok?Dream of overcast with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of overcast the detailed solution.

Dream of dark clouds

Dream of overcast, writing on the wall that occur near the disease.

Dream of the sky covered with dark clouds,The heavy rain, the enterprise will encounter obstacles, dream of the storm, engaged in the work can be a good income.

Dream of overcast in health have the shadow.Especially pay attention to the digestive system disease.On the way home don't eat hamburgers, red bean soup and other snacks.

Dream of clouds, portend an infectious disease will die at an early date.

Dream of the storm, which indicated the engaged in the work can be a good income;

Dreamed that the storm coming, auspicious trillion, indicate the dreamer good thing comes in threes.

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