Dream of the weather

What is the meaning of dream of the weather?Dream dreamed that the weather is good?Dreamed of weather have a real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the weather the detailed solution.

Dream of the weather

Generally speaking, the dream zhongtian high gas, indicated that you will be successful.

Dream of the weather, predict the trend of your wealth will face, you are experiencing an unprecedented development, but after that you will have to face the failure and in view of the rumors about you.

Dream of to check the meteorological department forecast, forecast reluctantly change his home, you at this point you may be tired, but you will also benefit from.

Dreamed of forecasting the weather was a witch, symbol of your family affairs due to improper handling and appear unpleasant situation.

Dream of witch mantra to providing, indicate your family will be internal strife, careers will be full of disappointment.

If the dream of the weather have a cloud, fog, or damp, recent days, you may not be suitable to make major decisions, or important change.

Other symbols of the weather in the dream, see "the wind", "cloud", "thunder", "rain" and other items.

Zhouyi dream

Generally speaking, the role of the dream is warning or express inner conflict or negative emotions, like fear.As the setting of the dream act, so the weather is often bad weather, such as cloudy,It rains, storms, autumn or winter.But the dream also has spring, sunny, occasional rainbow.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: your emotions and feelings are generally performed as part of the dream.You know your side of situations, know must be treated with caution, make their own behavior and adapt.

Psychology analysis: the weather can also be for the expression of inner reflection.Therefore, imply that stormy weather the storm of unpleasant aggressive feelings, maybe.Sunny, cloudless blue sky may mean that you can control the situation facing as well as related to emotions and feelings.If you see the weather, says you must understand: should be an integral part of the larger, and not just determine the individual self.

Spiritual symbol: different weather conditions are likely to be seen as you set for yourself problems be solved in spirit.

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