Dream of the sun,

Dream of the sun, what meaning be?Dream dream of the sun, ok?Dream of the sun, have a real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the sun, the detailed solution.

Dream of the sun,

The sun is the symbol of vitality.

Dream of the bright sunshine, indicate various aspects.

Dream of the fireRed sun, stands for hope, you have to have confidence in the future.

Dream of the sunrise, suggests that the dreamer on work or study are entering a brand new rise period, or predict the bliss of ideological, everything will soon be plain sailing.In love, you may fall in love with a colleague or classmate, the affection between you mood will be better and better, good confidence and passion for the moment is coming.

Dreamed that day of days that you are in the good times for the development of enterprise, all goes well, thriving, success in sight;Also indicate the relationship goes well, the short term, there won't be any trouble.If the dreamer is the student that you will have very high attainments in academic, comforting.If you are ready to venture that time is ripe, might as well bold courage and wisdom, will create a belong to your own broad heaven and earth.The pinch limited to poor people dream of the midday sun, indicate trouble is expected to improve, also may have unexpected gift or money.

Dreamed that see the sun set that you may encounter a sudden change, but don't worry, have a good grasp, career to the next level.

Dream of sunshine dazzling, remind your fortunes decline recently, may be arguing about trifles and good friends, or have small money loss, easy to sad about trifles.

Dream of dim the sun, around the sun, or escape, remind your family may have trouble.

Dream of the sun like a fire burning, indicated that wish will come true.Such as thinking, to put into action;If you have the person I love, might as well bold confession, take action.

Dream of the sun, is a good one million head, there may be recovered, or in disguise, remind you need to know blessing to dependency, have something goes wrong, don't too worry, everything will be better after a storm comes a calm.

Through the dream of the sun in the cloud, or shoot the light, is a little YinYi block up the light of the sun, said in love may be something goes wrong.Meet with lover, might as well pay attention to the details, dress and speech, avoid two people get along with each other at the right moment, is turned against because sesame big things, and causing unhappiness.

In the dream of the sun through the Windows, said study interest.May be interested in suddenly don't like homework, or have a desire to learn, even for those who are hated school suddenly had a favor.Study hard for the time has come.

Dream of sunshine in his own bed, and remind you in the near future should pay attention to rest and a healthy body, is likely to get sick.

Dreamed of golden light in the room that you life happiness, or feelings enrichment, physical and mental health.

Dream of have to hide the sun, says you will encounter obstacles in career, or the risks to health.To pay attention to rest, don't try to be brave in the work and social activities, etc, to avoid falling ill because of overwork, thed loss outweights the gain.Your body may have some recently overdrawn.

Dream was suddenly dark clouds hide the sun, you may be a period of not too easy, or there will be a bad thing.

Dream of scorching sun, warning you may suffer from the risk of eye disease, should pay attention to use eye sanitation, avoid excessive use of eye;If the dreamer is a merchant, dream of hot, be careful in business management, be careful may appear losses;If the dreamer is a traveler, indicate road has twists and turns, may meet difficulties or accident, everything should be treated with caution.

Dream of sleep in the hot sun, indicated that you might encounter great difficulty, or in a difficult situation, but as long as you stick to it, is sure to succeed.

Dream of the sun to shine in the rain, suggest you may dispute with others in terms of wealth.

Dream of the sun into a black, said depression, despair, and madness.

Such as dream of swallowed the sun, saidpregnancy

Duke of stock market

Dream of worship of the sun, the stock market the present dynamic atmosphere, should try to buy.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

See the sunrise, is the main target."The duke of zhou interprets"

See the sunset, the main not auspicious."The duke of zhou interprets"

Scorching sun, the main is not auspicious."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream day, great luck, every camp, within ten day, have a happy."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Day dream, also the main big expensive, will be glorious.The broken dream secretary

Dream car, home and business.Lord confounded, they pass the imperial examination, merchants won money, geely."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream climbing holds, well, the main job promotion."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream or 2, 10 days for days, dream the main pack and on the world.Ordinary dream this master Yang jing is not solid, gas vain, will get angry."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Negative day dream, Lord BaoGui, also because it is good.The broken dream secretary

Dream well, negative, ji, Lord help people in trouble.Dream this, prisoner of forgiveness, ill meet medical, prolificacy breeds.Should be in those years, is better."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Negative day dream, great luck, for the achievements of trillion."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream wan, to drive the cattle.Cow horns, topping, dream day promotion upgrade, ugly years should be."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of day, for all."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of days have words, master fame hence tzu, rijin literature."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

An image of dreams hold, have big expensive.The broken dream secretary

Ride a day dream.Noble dream and prosperous;Ordinary people dream, the main disease of heart body heat;The old man of the dream, as ominous.The broken dream secretary

Dream ride a day, the main disease of heart burning body.Noble dream this, will treasure;The old man dream of this, ominous greatly."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of the sun's disc flywheel, the main business."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream day sink to the bottom.Yang in Yin, the main affairs of get and reap.Are back morality, not auspicious."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream, indoor.Woman have to this, also the Lord has given.The broken dream secretary

Clouds dream, mapping, ji, the Lord has better gas charm."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream day rising, ji, will rise, blessing, and industry, the child will be born, goods will send, life will increase, the people will come."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream day rising.The one million will rise, blessing to, ill will, the child will be born, industry, life will increase, the people will be also.The broken dream secretary

Dream day, the main dispute with others."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream day dark, fierce, not beautiful.Ordinary people dream, must be parents worry about disease prevention;This woman dream, must be the husband bereavement."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

The dark dream day.For GanXie deceives all, bad things.Man sick parents, woman hinder his Lord.The broken dream secretary

Dream set multicoloured, great luck.Noble dream, sovereignty of academics, rijin article;Ordinary people dream, master new glory, the more patient disease, child birth, Pepsi prosper."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream day break from the thunder, the fame.Dream in Japan and China, the main RongGui."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream day short of half round, fierce, the parents health damage, bad things."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream day curtain around the blanket, ji.The signs in your fame, in children.Suitors of the dream, will recruit parity."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream day in your arms, ji, the main profit will be."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream day rise in the sea.Main windfall, fat eloth, Pepsi.The broken dream secretary

Dream day gave birth to a corner.Day one horn, white also;Angle of crown wing also.Literati of the dream, the White House scholar tau kok outstand the elephant."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream day transit, fine, the sun in the day, the light like all things.Maharaja dream after the prosperous, prosperity and the ordinary dream of fame and wealth.For infinity."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream day falling't, ji.People dream of this, job fall rise again;Writers dream this, after the forward bends, zte of his possessions."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream day falls the family to garment fringing, ji, the Lord has given, and by a treasure.Tx kogi were, to Sweden."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

When meet noble dream yue falling head, dreamer."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Bit day dream mountain, big fierce, the dream of the Lord is an inferior mutually deceives."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream up the hill hold, ji, provide for the auxiliary of trillion."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream at sunset, ji."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dreams given day, the Lord has given.The broken dream secretary

Dream double sunshine, noble Lord al car, beaming, ferro somewhere.Pregnancy is a dream, the main have to double your children."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream double sunshine.The main noble car to, beaming, ferro somewhere.Pregnancy is the main twin birth of your son.The broken dream secretary

Dream up, great luck.Scholars of the dream, will climb phase;Literati of the dream, will Zhuo champion;Pregnancy is a dream, will have the birth of your son."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream up, is also the main birth.The broken dream secretary

Wash red sunlight times dreams, ji.Loyal minister bath, like democratic zte;To the ordinary people, the main GaiJiu update, LAN rui of rebirth;They dream of this, the article coruscate."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

With a pipe dream.The patient of the dream, will be the main disease.The broken dream secretary

After a dream a day.The dream for a wife to her husband, litigation right, profit, your breath, in addition to the disease.The broken dream secretary

Dream cloud became more and more open,,, I meet gentleman, servant winner, litigation right, profit, your breath, in addition to disease, happy in all things."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream day, the inevitable step expensive.The broken dream secretary

Day in my arms, the birth of Lord."The duke of zhou interprets"

The sun fall of bed and the main problems."The duke of zhou interprets"

Cloud suddenly covered, there are laws."The duke of zhou interprets"

The sun at noon, the main profit."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Explanation: the dream the dream represents the warm sun and consciousness.Sunny day represents the happy mood.If you toward the sun, imply that you are seeking spiritual insight.

Psychology analysis: the sun is a potent symbol of vitality, so in the dream in general, is regarded as the mark of vitality.If the content of dreams about a sun dance, you may want to praise the sun infinite strength and energy.You used to determine the direction of the sun, it's a source of energy as its vitality.

Spiritual symbol, on the spiritual level, the sun symbolize the spiritual insight.

Dream of the sun's case analysis (),

Dream description: I dreamed that I lie on the green grass, green grass, like a green blanket.Grass can't open some name of flowers, from mild scent.Warm sunshine on my body, and it is very warm, I was surrounded by heavy warmth.(female, 18 years old)

Dreams resolution: the dream of the sun, represents the warmth, and a father, it says there is a kind of dependence to his father, always hope to have a father, a father's care, don't want to come out alone, to run his own world.

If you dream of a rising of the sun, the predictor for you good health, a successful career.If you are a young teenager who, or in a lovestruck girl, your love will be full of vitality, permeated with happiness, HeHeMeiMei, sweet.

If the dream of days of the day, is a very good dream, is flourishing, the success of business.If the solar eclipse but a dream, is in your business or do other things, will there be short f may appear that upset you, may also mean that your family life will be, but does not interfere with the big picture.

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