Dream of pool

Dream of pool is what mean?Dream dream pool?Dream pool have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream pool the detailed solution.

Dream of pool

Dream of the waterTam, will have a good luck, represents the dreamer may encounter in life rich opportunities, do you want to hold.

Dream of pool, indicate that you have good things, let you have a lot of money, live a rich, life happiness.

Dream of water without water, suggesting that you are not, continue will only make you resources drying up, eventually face failure.

Dream of water with the fish, which indicated in your business will get unprecedented performance, your reputation will be a lot of people know that as well.

Dream of qinglong took me flying diving pool, this is auspicious to, on behalf of good luck.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

See pool, is the main target."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of the abyss of case analysis ()

Description: dream a dream I went to the bathroom, the toilet became open, and there is a boy squatted and I think he is very annoying, somehow the annoying boy suddenly fell backwards one Yang, everyone a scream, I also turned to look down, the back is straight cliff, I don't think he saved, I thinkThe toiletHere is too dirty, just looking for places to wash their hands.But it's time to go to work but still can't find any place to wash your hands, I a nasty woke up.(women, 19 years old)

Dream dreams resolution: you "hate" and "boys", "exclaimed" hopeless ", "means that your attitude to the opposite sex is not very mature."Toilet" "too dirty," said against you."It's time to go to work" symbol the has reached the age of the opposite sex friend talk."Can't find any place to wash your hands," a sexual repression?"Urgent" means that your anxiety.

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