Dream of cool air

Dream of cool air is what mean?Dream dream of cool air?Dream of cool air with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you dreamed of cool air of the detailed solution.

Dream of cool air

Dream of fresh air, sunshine, said now you are happy happy family, happy life, and there are several reliable friend, everything can be rest assured.

Dream of a breeze, means that our own relaxation rank, can make good luck.

Dreams feel a breeze in the air, you will have good luck.

Feel the wind blows in foul smell in the dream, is likely to encounter the pain or unhappiness.

Dreams breathe the fragrant winds, meaning that the recent travel peace, or a successful career.If businessmen dream of sweet wind, big jida, a thriving business;As patients dreamed of and the wind that the body will be restored to health.

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