Dream of hole

Dream of hole is what mean?Dream dream of hole?Dream of hole with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of pit detailed solution.

Dream of hole

Dream of hole, travel seems to have a layer of clouds.Step on someone's feet on the bus, just want to apologize is a rogue shape looked up, the wide you can not not afraid of you.

Dreaming that I am looking into a deep pit.Indicated that in business, you will be foolishly risky;Love, love you only upset the other.

Dream of falling into a deep pit, disaster and the sadness of heart.

Dreaming that I am going to wake up when the chasm, indicated that you will be very lucky to escape bring you grief and chapter events.

Dreamed that he is to jump into a deep pit, the signal to obtain a bigger success, would you like to come at the expense of health and wealth.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream dream mud, said you really sank into the mire.You feel dedicated career by obstacles, you might be because of the lack of push forward self-confidence or emotional support.Mud said you were drowned by the situation around, feel trapped by the situation.

Psychology analysis: if the dream of mud land, generally displays of affection.Perhaps these emotional problem is your own making, due to mental feeling will step on solid ground.

Spiritual symbol: in this level, the dream symbol of the spiritual and emotional conflicts.

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