Dream of the grass

Dreamed that the grass is what mean?Dream dream of grass?Dream of grass has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of the grass you tidy the detailed solution.

Dream of the grass

Grass often and life easy, beautiful and happy life, so dream of grassland, usually said the mood cheerful, energetic, life will be a new start, a new vitality into.From the point of view of sex, freudian think pubic hair grass said in the dream, dream of grass expresses the dreamer's desire to relax state of mind, or to return to the mother's desire.

Dream of natural green grass, says wealth is accumulated gradually, is good fortune, hard work will bring you more than expected gain;But bad fortune, don't count on gambling, such speculation lottery brings income.

Dream of lawn green carpet, fresh, clean, and said you have a long career, not hindered.

Dreamed of carefully finishing the green lawn, lawn or full of personality, said your family warm and happy life.

Dream of weeds, or no one care for a long time, and the lawn, may said hostile around you at this time, to be vigilant.

The dream of the open scattered flowers on the grass, you may have unexpected harvest.

Dreamed CuiCao everywhere, the grass, or grass wither, indicate your career or love will be setbacks, are also likely to be sick.

Your emotional life dream of wild grass, said some lonely, might as well to communicate with people more cheerful actively.

Dream of lying on the grass, you good fortune, well-being of life, money nature to eyes.

Traders dream of grassland, predict the success of the rich life happiness.

Literary and art workers dream of grassland, suggest you can soon became famous, and rapid accumulation of wealth.

Love the people in the dream of the grass, indicated in the choppy sea of love, they will be plain sailing.

Dream on the other side of the grass is winding mountains, predict the distance problem.

Dream through the green grass, after a barren place, suggest you will get sick, or stuck on the career.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: dreaming about the grass said you stand on the "holy land".

Psychology analysis: according to the personal associations, dreams and run on the grass can be connected.If you think of a related to the grass, this will help to explain the problem to be solved.The status of the grassland plays a vital role.

Spiritual symbol: on spiritual level, the dream represents the happiness and growth of grass.

Dream of the grass

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