Dream of palm trees

What is the meaning of dream of palm trees?Dream dream of palm trees, ok?Dream of palm trees with the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of palm the detailed solution.

Dream of palm trees

Palm trees primary success.Tall and straight palm trees sturdy, symbol of the success.

Dreamed of tall and straight palm trees, prosperous symbol of success and happiness of life.

Dream of climbing palms, prompt you to achieve your goals will encounter many difficulties, but after painstaking effort, you can achieve success.

Dreaming that I am falling off the palm tree, said you might be a bit weak recently, to be more careful.Also said, on the other hand, you may encounter setbacks, such as failure, or less income.

Dream of cut down palm tree, you may become the object of boss 'anger.

Dream of holding a palm leaf, signal would be brilliant success in your business.

Travelers dream of palm trees, indicate smooth all the way, will reach their destination safely.

Dream of dry palm tree, be careful, there may be the disaster happen, or revenues.

Dream of climbing palms, means after the test of difficulties and obstacles will pay off.

Dream of withering palm trees as a result, remind you should pay attention to health, especially in the digestive system diseases.

Farmers' dream of fruitful palm trees, indicated that the crops will be a good harvest.

Married people dream of palm tree fruitful, indicated that family and beauty, conjugal love, grow old together.

Single women dream of palm tree fruitful, portend a prestigious family married.

Dream of piles of palm dry, indicate the dreamer can become rich.

Case analysis of dream of palm trees

Dream description: dream back to the childhood, I climb to the top of palm trees, pick immature fruits of palm trees, (looks like a slap, when I was a child, we call it a ears means, childhood friends like to play.)

Resolution: dream this dream indicates that you will have a tough time in working, but that does not mean that you won't be successful is that to succeed have to pay more efforts.

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