Dream of bamboo

What is the meaning of dream of bamboo?Dream dream of bamboo?Dream of bamboo forest with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of bamboo detailed solution.

Dream of bamboo

Dream of bamboo, this is a symbol of how great your suggested hit my son will be a powerful people in the future.

Dream of the yard covered with bamboo, it is very lucky dream, bring prosperity to their family's dream, to guarantees the future of children's dream.

Dream of the yard full of bamboo, will be good luck, everything.

Entrepreneurs dream of yard full of bamboo, the enterprise will be to the next level.

Commuters dream yard full of bamboo, indicated that you might be a promotion and pay increase.

Dream goes not to go out into the bamboo forest, this is ominous, suggested recently to disaster, so line transaction necessary caution.

Dream of bamboo stands, is inauspicious, suggest you will upset people by talking too straight, the other party is likely to get back at you.Pay special attention to words and deeds, talk to make allowance.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream house endogenous bamboo, profit, business."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream to sit bamboo forest.The signs of were used to escape.The broken dream secretary

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: one of the characteristics of bamboo is flexible.It shows the obedience and accommodating, and also marks the endurance strength, and reflects the same character.

Psychoanalysis: bamboo said the good education, health, longevity and fulfilling life.It shows the sensible response to the plight of the situations of yielding.

Spirit: bamboo symbolizes the perfect and good at many adversaries.If you are aware of yourself with bamboo such two kinds of personality, they can take their character of fracture.

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