Dream of green beans kind of mung bean

Dream of mung beans kind of mung bean is what mean?Dream dream of mung beans kind of mung bean, ok?Dream of mung beans kind of mung bean has a real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dream of mung bean of the detailed solution of mung bean.

Dream of green beans kind of mung bean

Dream of mung bean, good omen, predict the life was very rich and carefree.

Farmers' dream of mung bean, predict will harvest the crops.

Dream of kinds of mung bean, life will be happy.

Dream of beans is auspicious.

Men dreamed of beans, life happiness, and rich.

A womanDream of the beans, can become your wife, can arrange housework in order.

Tourists dream of beans, will happen on the wayA car accident

Dream of eating beans, get sick, or health go from bad to worse.

A pregnant womanDream of beans, embryo will come.

Dream of beans, patient will slowly getting better.

Prisoners dream of beans, an additional penalty.

Dream of eating beans mixed, to travel long distances.

Dream of buying beans, will be very poor.

Dream of the beans to others, the honored guest will rimmon.

Dream of selling beans, auspicious, will be invited to the party.

Traders dream of beans, will soon receive a lucrative business, and meeting a great success.

Unmarried men dream of eating beans, will soon with his beloved people get married.

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