Dream of radish

What is the meaning of dream of radish?Dream dream of radish?Dream of radish with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of radish detailed solution.

Dream of radish

Dream of eating raw turnip, indicate your home to the guest.

A man dreamed that eat carrots, is going to make friends, life comfortable and economic prosperity.If you haven'tTo get marriedThat may be to marry a woman.

A womanDream of eating carrots, if you have already get married, will bepregnancy.If you haven't married, predicted possible after marriage to be poor, poor husband.

Patient dreamt of eating carrots, good, is gradually restored to health.

Dream of radish food, may indicate you will be poor starving, or will people at home is sick.

Dream of selling radish, suggest you work will be affected by setbacks, there is a danger of fire.

Dream of buy carrots, suggest you will come to the honored guest in the home, want to spend a lot of energy, money, need to be prepared in advance.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Sale of radish, the main is fierce."The duke of zhou interprets"

To buy radish, noble."The duke of zhou interprets"

Eat radish, make friends."The duke of zhou interprets"

Eat radish, female pregnant daughter."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: radish in People's Daily life is often eat vegetables, although not valuable, but its nutrition is rich, is the necessaries of people's health, especially in the winter turnip eat better.Dream of eating raw turnip, indicate your home to the guest.A man dreamed that eat carrots, is going to make friends, life comfortable and economic prosperity.If you haven't get married, may marry a shrew.Women dream of eating carrots, if you have already get married, will be pregnant.If you haven't married, predicted possible after marriage to be poor, poor husband.Patient dreamt of eating carrots, good, is gradually restored to health.Dream of radish food, may indicate you will be poor starving, or will people at home is sick.Dream of selling radish, suggest you work will be affected by setbacks, there is a danger of fire.Dream of buy carrots, suggest you will come to the honored guest in the home, want to spend a lot of energy, money, need to be prepared in advance.

Psychoanalysis: radish said good friendship and marriage.

Spiritual symbol: radish symbol of the growth and reproduction and emotion.

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