Dream of pear trees

Dream of pear is what mean?Dream dream of pear tree, ok?Dream of pear trees have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) dream of pear small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of pear trees

Dream of pear tree, good omen, make a fortune.

Traders dream of pear tree, will soon find a new project to make money.

Businessman dreamed to pick a pear from the pear tree, indicated that they will be running a profitable new business.

Unmarried woman dreamed to pick a pear from the pear tree, indicated that he would marry the best man.

Unmarried men dreamed to pick a pear from the pear tree, indicated that he would marry a moral beautiful damsel to wife.

Dreamed of pear tree related meaning

Dream of eating pears, predict will be strong.

marriedA womanDreamed that get pears, soonpregnancy, can have a beautiful boy.

A man dreamed of pear, can get rich.

Dream of pear to friends, is auspicious.

The patient dreamt of eating pears, is writing on the wall.

Dream of give the pear segmentation, predict will suffer.

Dream of selling pear, indicated that business will fail.

But dream of pear, can get a pay raise, or increase revenue.

Dream of pear tree analysis of the case

Dream description: a dream of a pear tree grew on the bed, on the pear tree full of fruit, I don't know what meaning, please help to interpret your dreams!I: female 38 years old.

Dreams resolution: pear crisp delicious, symbol to help others, is auspicious dreams, pear on the bed, symbolizes the harmonious relationship, but the pear long in bed, conveniently can reach them, also means that the dreamer has thought with lazy, in the long run, is not a good thing!This dream is also reminded the dreamer to hardworking.

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