Dream of the tree

Dream of the tree is what mean?Dream dream of the tree?Dreamed that the tree has a real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of the tree you tidy the detailed solution.

Dream of the tree

Dream of the tree, means that the body can be very healthy.

Dream of withered tree, indicated that dreamer's body will be sick.

Dreamed of a tree a tree branches wither, suggest that some of the dreamer's brothers and sisters to get sick.

Broken dream of a tree, the predictor will have to worry about a thing happen.

Dream of the tree bent, the brothers and sisters in the Lord was the victim.

Dream of the tree green, a vibrant, may indicate the dreamer possessions.

Dream of cut down a big tree, a sign of this is poorer, be careful of your investment risk analysis.

Dream of the tree suddenly collapsed, predict the labor body will break down in the home, because economic sources will be lost.

Dream of death, said home is far from being tranquil and main economic sources will interrupt in the home, come down.

Dream of the tree leaves falling, someone said home is sick.

Dream of climb climb the tree, said in good health and body are sexy.

A pregnant womanDream of the tree, indicate the baby in the future will be a blessed one, of the big tree protection means family for the baby to shade.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: a tree is a person inner life of the original structure.The dream see a tree, you woke up and carefully study the best design.If foreign branches, means warm and lovely personality.If see beautiful tree symbol in personality, while a messy tree said personality disorder.

Psychology analysis: people think that the root shows the connection of human and the earth.The correct way of saying it should be, the root mean people.Said practical aspect in the life, shows in his pleasure.Stretch out the roots of said show their honesty and frankness.In contrast, deep into the root of the development of more said on the sidelines and retention.

Trunk indicating the people how to use their own strength, how to maintain and support environment.A coarse manic tree trunk symbol the rude personality, and a smooth tree trunk is increased a lot of aesthetic feeling.Branches can make the dreamer get inspired about each stage of development, while the leaves to explain how the dreamer is his surroundings.Climb a tree shows the dreamer to achieve certain goals and establish the objectives and the use of power.

Spiritual symbol: from the perspective of learning to you as a living trees, shows the coordination between heaven and earth and water.You learn the correct understanding of the tree of life, you can effectively within areas such as the shape of your life.

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