Facial nevus graphic woman prosperous nevus

facesMole diagramA womanWenger's mole

Corners of the mouth have moles at the upper right

In the prosperous husband of the woman's face, this is the first!The facial features of women naturally bring blessings, and can flow to share to partner, life wealthy, on the other hand, is also a symbol of finances, son!The features most women with sexy and cute and oh!If you are lucky enough to have such a woman, a couple of life is not how lucky you are, if you encounter, spelled a life also want to embrace get beauty return!Because many corners of the mouth has a mole woman.

Lips slightly rounded, lip plump and lovely, lower lip on its thickness is similar.

This type faces of women innocent and lovely, dissolve the resentment of the emotion to her husband, the gas with natural and peaceful, happy, and have oral, words are not sharp, were able to hit the cat, in business, is her husband's company, popularity well, don't love to gossip, and is a very good listener, belong to collect inside as well.

Beam has a mole on women: her active, positive, popularity is better.

Nose line means that a person's motivation and enthusiasm, on the nose with live mole is lively, cheerful, positive, even if there is a little small setbacks wouldn't be unhappy, they will always look on the bright side, therefore is optimistic and enterprising people.Your life is full of joy and laughter, of course, in the eyes of men and women in the eyes of all attractive, popularity is very good, therefore, the marriage can also form a warm and sweet family that is full of laughter., especially women, who are on the bridge of the nose has a mole, personality is gentle, kind, the other on the nose has a mole, clothing, food and don't have to worry about.

Faces graphic women flourish, nei modern meaning

Old man love 1, comparison, recruit husband's family, home and everything, life comfortable and cozy.

2, family background or strength, completely is a typical representative of the top hall next to the kitchen.But he might be in business is nowhere, safe.This is likely to be known as the truth you will lose.

Faces graphic women flourish, nei location

What kind of the MM can marry into food, from now on, the prince and princess live a happy life?We from the birthmark to speculate about the distribution of the following:

Figure 1, 2: injection in the frontal or eyebrows just partial nose long mole of MM, must be a lady in the future, marry into a good chance.

Figure note 3: neck front has mole women either rich or expensive, even if their property, will marry a badly, enjoy a rich life.

Figure note 4: palm nevus of the MM, life is not lack of money, but also can bring wealth to home.

This MM, in other parts of the face are mostly not what mole, are especially strong, or phase impact phase grams will cancel out, in addition, these good nevus is generally black, and size, can play a role!

Faces graphic women flourish, nei explanation

Faces graphic women flourish, nei explanation

1, has a mole in the left eyebrow: master's wealth

Hides nevus eyebrow, has long been a wisdom, and the left eyebrow nevus of wealth, is the phase of riches and honour.If women have a mole, here are mostly have a prosperous husband, can help luck oh to the husband's career and wealth.

2, eye end has mole: your family happiness

The tail end of the two eyes, represents the "palace", such as women's eye end has good mole, relationship harmony, a happy family.The so-called home and everything, life must be very good oh.

3, nose has a mole: golden cabinet keep

Wing's convinced that "orchid", "golden cabinet", the equivalent of insurance vaults, female nose has a mole, Lord can keep, clothing, food and rich, insurable family business successfully developed.

4, lower left has mole: prosperity

Lower left the mole main wealth, represents the will enjoy prosperity, wealth for life.This kind of real estate in the majority of the woman, may to the ancestral heritage, the men to pay more attention to!

5, right ear has mole: help husband

Ears are mostly fine nei, earlobe nevus of smart, filial piety.But for women, the right ear of nevus is better than the left ear.Such women have help husband, husband can support and assist the apprentice.

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