Hand nevus and you hit the desires of the heart

Hand nevus and you hit the desires of the heart

Hand nevus know whether you have hit the peach blossom, do you know the hand the birthmark on behalf of the peach blossom?From the traditional reading has XiongJi nevus, auspicious spiders will have good effects on life, the fierce mole can affect the fate.Including career, marriage, education, and so on.So mole to retain, and fierce mole tries to point out.Take analysis together with a few hands and under the "peach blossom" related to the mole.

Hand nevus and you hit the desires of the heart

Hand nevus know if you have hit the peach blossom:

In their learning of the thumb and the nearby have a mole on behalf of the parents is their own noble, or parents have a lot of achievements, the index finger has a birthmark on behalf of the people are brothers and sisters peach blossom treasure dian, middle finger on his behalf, on behalf of the spouse ring finger and little finger represents ZiXi, therefore the thumb or index finger nei of, the peach blossom is often around from side of men and women friends together or elders is introduced.Ring finger besides on behalf of the spouse, in addition to romantic meaning, ring finger with nevus prone to unsuspecting peach blossom.

Other associated with peach palm:

Love linePeople there were parallel to the diagonal lines: the palms tend to happen unexpected love peach blossom.

Successful line side have influence line: line represents the heterosexual relationships between men and women, the successful line next to a man of influence line is prone to first met day thunder fire of peach blossom.

To get marriedLow line: marriage line is apart from the emotional line nearly, the little finger often early marriage, peach blossom is mostly of childhood friends around you.

Early noble line: thumb forefinger noble line said early noble line between them, have the person of this stripe is often arranged by elders or you will grow up with the friends get peach blossom.

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