The overall shape of the hand of man hand

The overall shape of the hand of man hand

The overall shape of the hand of man hand

Round hand man

This type of person, personality is bright, like to joke, personality needs, it is very outgoing and pleasant personality.Such a person, is good at observing other people's psychology, social finesse is very clever.Can play good relationship with all the people, because of the innate personality is bright, am a optimist, anything so they will be moving in the right place to think, it is rare in modern society.And in my life, because the trust others, treat people friendly, naturally can win the hearts of others, so often don't lack friends around, resonate with many.In the attitude of love, this kind of person is almost to the net, because they can't find the reject reason, so the lack of a kind of principle, will be felt flower heart or sentimental, actually they just don't know how to refuse to others.They want to be, be love, sometimes at the lower body to please others, have no definite view and personality, such people generally no self-confidence, often took the side of the outer friendly to make friends, want to don't lonely, actually appears to be affectionate and ruthless, he can be with anyone but does not love others, have this kind of hand in the shape of a person, almost all size is relatively small and fat.Not interested in this kind of people with lofty ideals, they may more secular, also don't like the lofty things, art and music for them, than comics and pop songs come true.They like money wealth, but feel free to show off.They will pay the lover, and as long as their "evil spirit" to you, what are willing to pay, especially willing to spend large sums of money inA womanBody, just to impress the beauty a smile.Deep love to the nature, they like to eat and drink, favorite way of dating, is nothing more than to find a place to eat, the meal and have a lover, is the most happy but, this kind of person belongs to enjoy the life.

Cone type hand man

Cone is also called the water shape hand, art form, beautiful hand, hand feeling.Cone is characterized by palm flesh hypertrophy, soft skin, and muscle elasticity, hand is a bit short and wide, refers to the base broadly through your fingers and sharp, long nails, refers to refers to between, thumb is generally small, palm color is white, dorsal metacarpal veins stood out like a quiet, refers to the back light shallow, the hand of the people, great wisdom, have artistic talent, work careful, good at dealing with the environment, optimistic, sympathetic, but will be impatient, idealistic and sleek, feeling cold and hot, vain good comfort, success or failure lies in the thumb, such as hard straight men thumb grow up, must be talented, articulate, very liked, such as women talents also hit, but will love luxury corruption luxuries, begin well but end badly, for love of ethics is not strong, such as thumb short or weak, are both genders dissolute idle affection, only to seek pleasure and by hook or by crook.The benefit spleen and stomach weak, such shape of the hand, after one years are predisposed to rheumatism, poliomyelitis.

Square hand man

This type of person, have personality, long-term, hate casual, casual men, most of the work will be more stringent business, say soldiers, doctors, and so on.For no man of principle, he will stay at a respectful distance from sb.Such people are very responsible, determined to do, must go all out, and strong self-esteem, don't like people stepped in to help.If will not be finished in a fixed period of time, he would seem to be very not trust, even uncomfortable, always rushed.With his stubborn character, no matter from the aspects of mental or physical ways, are healthy and have a strong endurance.On the emotional attitude, is very persistent and persistence, such a person, will not impress with a sweet lover, but in the actual action to prove their feelings,.Said one, he must keep his promise, not promise.But does not romantic in love, this kind of person would probably not buy flowers too, and eat dinner by candlelight, because the money for the people, really spend too not practical, but he will give you buy articles for daily use, may be not understand emotions, but they treat every relationship as isTo get marriedAs the prerequisite, they are responsible, think a man should be so.

Trapezoidal hand man

Who has the shape of the hand, personality and square opposite hand.Such people, hate the conventionality and comfortable days, what matter all want to innovation, and is not the same as the others;Conformist lifestyle, will make them feel disgust, the curiosity of people this is very, like pursuing new things, and change sex is very strong.In terms of physical strength, with the shape of the hand of the men and women, mostly belongs to the energetic, motivated, aggressive personality, so on the work and love are often play the role of active speaker.But this one was due to the outgoing personality, when he was young, and easily by their physical strength and strong activity sex, so usually tend to premature aging, if you don't know the moderation of your life, always lovedrinking, playing mahjong, all-night timbres total, it is easy to, the body is very bad for people's health, pay special attention to this.In addition it is worth mentioning that degree of clinging to the love of this kind of person, never type for better hand.Because naturally with another character, so it's easy to tired of two people of the world dull.And the people, be sure to inject new surprise will love from time to time, let the person feel wonderful and different, to retain his heart.

Rectangular hand man

More often than not, the hand palm in rectangular thin bone feeling, just like the monkey's hand.Such people, the personality is very nervous, also very cautious, committed to the words and deeds will be three thought, reflection sex is very strong, I don't like working with people.Compared with the other hand, the people's guard is very heavy, don't literally believe in others, there is a kind of pessimistic about human nature and life and helpless, love attitude also appears very passive.If long hand with well-developed palms and fingers, the neurotic phenomenon will greatly reduce, personality on some optimism, greatly revised the original personality.If dry flat and thin finger, it means the activity is very poor, nor energetic.In general, long hands, most don't like outdoor activities, more passionate about indoor activities.In love with this kind of person, should arrange more indoor activities, drink tea chat, to have a dinner, talk more dialogue and communication, not only conforms to the innate preferences, can also through the exchange of thoughts to each other's trust.

Philosophy hand man

Philosophy is also called the wood form hand, nodules, intellectual part hand.Philosophy is characterized by palm flat and long, moderate thickness, solid and elasticity, the skin color is deeper, dorsal metacarpal brawn and vascular uplift, the joint is higher, refers to the back lines more apparent, finger and nail are long, thin section, between party and pointed through your fingers, thumb uncompromising integrity, not buckling, palm MingRun ribbon green, the shape of the hand of the people, wise, learned, analytical things calmly, has independent thought, endurance, strong, by a heavy blow, not a bit of frustration and dispirited and discouraged, be good at organization, is generous and not mean about money, but will keep an eye on things, dispute section, is arrogant and more superstition to religion.Such shape of the hand are 懮 spleen injury, what are the lungs of renal involvement.

Grate shape hand man

Grate hand is also called the soil profile, oval, hand, hand, agile hands.Hand grate form, characterized by hand attachment glaringly wide neck, fingers grew up, and a flat through your fingers, and ask about seems to have a meat, hand not neat, special thick palm muscles strong, with yellow color, with the hand, energetic, agile hardships and stand hard work, pragmatic, not vanity, the milk of human kindness, self-efficacy is strong, bold, creative, like to read detective, adventure,The war, such as history books, but the stubborn, easy to emotional, don't follow the normal custom, good comment.

Mental hands man

Spirit is also called the fire shape hands, mind, ideal hand.Spirit of its characteristics such as the cone hands, but his hand is thin thin, zhang long and thin, soft and slightly curved, skin color is white, the veins stood out more apparent, the broadly on palm, knuckles, red fingernails long, thumb configuration symmetry, palm Bai Zhe of color, the hand of the people, at first glance, carries a little tenderness, clear mind, rich aesthetic of genius, but actually just dry, impatient when the weather is unpleasant things, impulsive temper, but after the vent, that is, however, is good at ease, dependent, excesses, capricious, will be superstitious, easy to be fooled.With this hand belongs to the body, more common respiratory, urinary and reproductive disorders.

The original hand man

The original hand also called inferior, inferior hand.Is characterized by the finger of the hand of the more general fertilizer short thick hard, pure clumsy fingers thick, short and curved hand form, the skin color is deeper, dorsal metacarpal veins stood out fulu, knuckles terms such as the root, and nails short and roughness of the skin, refers to the difficult recurvatum, refers to the back grain and mixed and disorderly, palmprint is extremely simple;Original this hand see now is very small, or accidentally see a lack of reason, violent irritability, but timid cunning again, I don't know what is a feeling, strong workforce.Such shape of the hand are something KangSheng, and a better chance of vertigo and respiratory system disease.

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