Faces to reassure the child q&a article without meaning

facesTo reassure the child without meaning q&a

Strangers not neat or yue: day, around the neonatal temperament from difficult to draw a appearance, of accident theory available?And virtual virtual Confucius said: human light qing qi pregnant and living, good expensive.Discharge of the pregnant and the living, moronity.To day, not to be, with this in grave and zhuang, has a notebook mountains and rivers and newcomers, since these newcomers in the part, the elves of newcomers, has since the practice of newcomers, has since the gods of newcomers, there are animals, reincarnation and newcomers, with touch than gas to reborn, inductive gas before pregnancy, a value lodge and the living.Reason China professional apparel adults, born fuxi and nuwa feeling yao light penetration yue, hold an shun big rainbow, born of IO's female ChunYan eggs deed, born has holes in the meteor Xia Yu, born, all see white gas penetration in Thomson, she dreams for people and the king of the text, sense YanWei has black emperor Confucius, liu sense Ao has red dragon han face, small child feeling petunia burn and YanYuan China star, zhang liang fox star feeling, hurried feeling star Wolf, Lao tze Mars, if this all a sage living by tianrui phase.

Faces to reassure the child q&a article without meaning

Yue: master, the life is?Confucius said without meaning.No portion of each week in the day, but the beauty of the evil, hidden depending on different: the YunLang officer shall be listed in the night, is refers to the micro of the star, its distinguished column lodge in sealed broken, have inside walls, outside walls.But the dark SuYouMing arch arch, the dividing line between each have set.Is precious, in this, its appearance is book mountains situation, according to the different kyushu soil, so the people grow gas also notable, qingzhou, the shu yue late gas, their voices.JingYang, its light gas, is urgent.Okrug, its just yong qi, the human voice.Yu, the calm gas, is short.YongYi, its fierce, qi jun - someone to sound heavy.Xuzhou, total float, gas welding is male.Yue, a state according to the producer gas is also different.The swirling of valor, weak soil of cowardice.Temperature of soil, soil breath of fluorspar, consumption of soil ghosts, mortal off MuTu breath, betfair.So the south people strong, northerners south phase, all responsibility.South people is given priority to with the forehead, northerners mainly to worshiping, this method also because the land new appropriate also.

Yue: each sage because such as unicorn horns base there?Confucius said: without meaning world clock;Build geometry?Talent is not much, Bei salivary as soon as possible.Book deep infection, Cui mountain, for Jane.Master of my iron wood, a rare rare.Ellipsoid concept such as nan yu lush cypress salix integra, consistent with its cream bloated curl, often to shot him.Wild flower leather, over the mountains and rivers, purple red shoes, unexpectedly also Abraham.There life of day wealth rank, in which, can make the omniscient god.

Or: linen cloud, a heart with no phase, phase at birth.Have unintentionally, that follow.This will be good to do evil caused by phase, from?Virtual virtual Confucius said: look at the color painting made after mole: is good to take an examination of?Since the day 13th of the following areas, and printing hall is huang qi yuan ze milli tear.And Yin risks, see its fine as silk, gas turtle lang gwon-chul turbidity, and see what department before?With its weight is cut off.Blue dragon temple, is insidious.And appropriate consideration, and look, or pain after much if so.

Yue: evil from Shi again?, virtual virtual Confucius said: ten days can ponder in the ROM phase method.Have made five - as with a white.Make this green gold, make wood is too dark, make water is too red, nonyl yellow soil, soil stagnant air.Now Yu Tianting Luo Gang print also.As to what the red, : the gas from the hall and tears and go to heaven, light for three years, five years or eight years, but this all out of heart of kindness and evil change also.Phase change?Confucius said: without meaning phase change, heart, and changes in phase from it.Such as body handle generally refers to the east, the spring guide, it's summer of bucket handle also.Phase of spring and summer.Guiguzi said: a heart with no phase, along with QuSheng, have unintentionally, that follow.The poor performer puts it, there are really blind BiZhi radium.

Yue: what BiZhi may tell a lie?Virtual Lu Zi yue: intentional phase, with raw or not.No no phase, with out or not.Best of the ancients BiZhi also quite.A first from guiguzi adviser, the reason can be the solution?Virtual virtual Confucius said: if the phase of poverty, its humanistic belongs to move before Epiphany made heart good, merits widespread but the phase into the shape of riches and honour.Is concerned in this phase, the phase at birth.

Mr Yue: guiguzi known, son said why: virtual touch Confucius said: man, because of poor labor, knew that he was evil, suddenly wake up, no evil.Repentance is good is still subject to the poor.Or because of the evil face in unfinished or because the evil too, or because of thick newspaper, common words with sun sorrow is also far, near, this is a man who had phase, with life or not.Enjoys a live, give the human minds Wolf malicious, good cheat for, a rock not oak, and not willful to, still have the blessing you, or because of Jude, not, or because of bone is too high, or because of far to their sons, his son has also cut lu in the less, this is I have.

Or yue: sage is not good, why to have a demon Lord loss disease, loss of Ming suddenly and violently because of repeated, empty unique food out wife screen children.GuWenWang good enlightenment monsoon was in prison qiang, can ever yi qi qi qing extremely cheap, partial and starve to death.Wife is old fishing creek and later encounter, He Gan young for ZaiFu demon Lord loss any speed.Human-god good soldiers of the crisis, after the stolen for bucket lodge plantar, diabolical, still more than longevity, that is somewhat puzzled.Virtual virtual Confucius said: the reason of the accident to save and how, can not be mutually constrained KuiDu also, sage is the essence of heaven and earth Zhong Ling, not without phase without phase aimlessly, without poverty life of demon evil bitter disease, especially old is sendoh.Also to show the world the heart of love is to err.Of ancient and modern, with heaven and earth, renowned brand, to zai yi.Though heaven and earth, supporter of Ming, the wise sage is this also.So the days are short of the elephant, and has the shape of trap, yue month has the change of thin corrosion, the five-star against the demon of hui.Have Dan zhu yao and shun has the sorrow of elephant, soup has a way of face and arms are knocking about horses, have poor Yin qi phase, JinWenYou not princes, Iraq has to jun, guanzhong has together, thus it with two meter seven obsidian cloud, but not without losing diagnosis rao Shang Wuzhi SAN, but not without too evil huan xian of the tube;, not of the micro named this horse humanitarian, humanitarian horse reason is like this, such as class them will blame, its shape will be different, or the infortune fell or living by thousands of gas, also can not set also.Such as die Yu Zhongxiao JieLie away with a smile, not necessarily as seen in the sword of the water, the cloud for fierce, there are the stars elf gods and newcomers, common in Yang Ming, flow in large sections shall be generous to die, a history of the garden, eons of time, and obtain the soul incarnate flying elves alive, though they can do life-in-death agent every phase and beauty.

Or yue, one of the temperament 0.1 trillion are also different?Virtual virtual Confucius said: human temperament cover this in the mountains and rivers, and out of yuan god, and is clearly almost clear I almost a polluted turbidity, high near high, nobody is near.So good likes and dislikes hate choice alone but however individual, inherent within the conditions, the phase can be get by also.Yue proud to see the world manic phase faux pas, a flasher, governing the country and in terms that occupy the home, has, in, in art, are unfavorable to the proud mischief, a flasher, a manic nasty mischief.Proud of themselves, people don't hold one, strong self-reliance, go out world.The rich get proud of its rich and proud of your expensive, just proud of them, the poor proud of its ambition, a proud LieZhe commonness, and the curse, gradually by the past.Manic people encounter Feng break, face pale as anger, if meet the strong evil insect around the corner, which I am strong for the weak;Always wasteful.Meng Ziyun hold its volunteers without weighing a word most appropriate necessarily critical its gas, and air will samadhi is fire, the fire by bottom in the kidney, burning shuo viscera, pin grinding the true qi, when face will be hot (or green or red or since), the head will ache, god will faint, gas will be disorderly, orders will be red;Eyes will berth, brothers will be cold, gv 10 will promote, Richard will mislead, things will be confused.Young people avoid, old times of the weak.Manic urgent than proud especially its curse a flasher, a speed.With the four more with less, much less, adults are serious trouble, dog is small.Conditions outside the hurtful, tends to hurt himself and its harm is great I can not give wipe.Yue, quit youdao?Confucius said: without meaning of huai SAN, for wise use, and then gradually to the proud out-of-the-way mania in four words.Such people to forgive the word can quit, medium of a person with modest?Word form, the inferior people endured two characters can quit, according to these three, can cure heart disease, can cure disease, can cure disease, can cure demon disease, can be turned to the home life of the disease, can in addition to hook twisted cause evil disease, true d the world of medicine;, the more good.While based gas, itself transfigure the tip of a mortar appropriate heart feel tense, not simply read.

Or, more than the ancients wisdom, a fool, phase differences on?Confucius said: without meaning to sage hero phase, all day longitudinal don't take a guess, but which is false, JingLu this book.But all speak wisdom of the ancients, will be more QingQi eccentric, bone will be long, bearing more short, common sweet latent thin aung, described zhuang;Air will be akira, so more can waste more today, thin, shape and promote it under a fool, still taken a witty, life of yuan is not strong, slightly know almighty, is general, not divine wisdom.Smell like a spirit of people, not broad aimlessly, Yang, hope to teach, has born saints, zhenguan saint, deep avenue, then adults of DE SAN?Ancient person worthy of the book, pale after hu for garment millet farm ling zhong for the east, there is the way of the gods, the first of the sixth year and not a day person, the arrangement of this nature;So into the world.By degrees, who can claim, this is the child early, its nature and ancient YouYi.

Or yue: ding armor like can, know?Hush false Confucius said: your phase are not verbosity but eyebrow will be very high, the ear will shrug;Rhinoceros will, LAN will arch, the garden has moderate more natural and unrestrained, lofty, ruled in the book, there are many GengJie upright and outspoken, silly man.

A: see the eyebrow, jinshi juren see eye, is not Christmas?Confucius said: without meaning, is inherently good but eyebrow eye turbidity, into it;Step, by better eye and head, this its available, deny, jinshi god more quiet, more power.This item much more flourishing, god is the spokesman of the different also, always permit, yue: four words as I intentionally.

Or yue: an expensive to species, days transit yue high wide, and a phase especially thick back garden, the waist is thick waist secretariat of what?Virtual virtual Confucius said: a very noble hong cheng and the fierce dragon eyebrow I have quietly, serious behavior, and the day transit yue high is extensive, the dense, Arsenal top bits to bone, if blessings and spirit, sound bone masculinity and far, step but no difference is also the main riches and honour, the children life charm.

Or yue: in a certain role, how big your free, virtual virtual Confucius said: one is today's qing, yue's phase after what, large square head, bone is more than meat, and god is better than first face the brotherhood of all long, real wood formation, though not surprisingly, the real god hide the tranquil beauty of the ear.

Or yue: mu ear turn round for Francisco pitcher profile, and one ear chiseled for merchants also?Confucius said without meaning, bitch no expensive yue, noble is not in the ears and wide to the forehead, the forehead wide step width, eyes are like the lightning for storing, sit as stone as a cloud, the phase, San Francisco, and a fallen god faint, zygomatic lower turbidity, but finder on regular shape skin tender for merchants.

Or yue: an expensive to the doctrine, appearance, a few elevator, no also die?Confucius said: without meaning clear dew step and a bit unstable, lowered to fallen, clear dew, god not so without die.

Or yue: smart and clever, the phase of the acura of expensive, how small is not much, I do not know that there are insufficient?Confucius said: without meaning the phoenix bujie denier, kirin not vigil.Dapeng hong Gu than singing, giant home as a small mind of Chinese ostrich ran a tidy mind.GuYun adults no apparent cause, cloud on the reason why.

Or yue: grow up is not good, or not to jinshi how early?Without meaning to yue: has the review phase fruit was right, people go to the gold form and earth begets, each regular none sent two, Ming condition of vertical seal, meiqingmuxiu, static gas and god, LanTing arch, sound good, solid palm show fingertips, so early to ring for phoenix pool Lin also.This objective probably not skin look, although no workingman day everyone would fly like a man, and the auxiliary Angle will be together and can eventually chief bone.Yue: stop to smell to the secretariat of the mesh and discretion;Will be instantaneous glorious shoot people, will be no ai?Without meaning to yue: to time is too to gasification, spiritual nature change, majesty.Why all your phase constrained in sky grand.

Or: your text to wu phase;Wu Gui Devon photograph what is?Confucius said: without meaning to wu wen phase is the north and south are very expensive.Wu Devon phase of more lofty Lord can also enjoys a millennium.

Or: I have a first-class not calculation and gain is not short, have a first-class people not good computing partial goods, two phase?Confucius said: without meaning not to camp and constantly accumulate principle also.Money is no shortage of phase.The cloud three prosperous wealth daytime light.And cloud zhang xun blood, money does not break.Or desirable person palm intermediate in a word, I enjoy in all.If of good calculation and no moss, yellowish or shine, the eyebrow shrugged the nine yue kuo zhang, lift up, sit like shaking foot, called roll goods, scattered, and shall hang too, four fen Lou, mouth, such as a fire, little palm, warehouse nation;All the goods of phase.

Or yue: the uterus a betfair, today more than ten years have not yet somehow.Confucius said: without meaning transgression in the hair, more like step to open the shoe exhibition, is there will be a man.Today still unlined upper garment, I suspect, almost see second, withered, hysteresis turning raw gas, the person will be greater than body.Do not say that the virtual memory.

Or: a burly, clothes, also feel open, doctor what the heart is unknown.Virtual virtual child mortar;The precursor to fix some blessing, enjoy this glory.About stupid way, stone arts in nature, so the drink but know s original five turbidity told.Yue: what is five turbidity, were not found in phase method?Without meaning a mortar: heart turbidity eye cloud ear muddy muddy hands turbidity.The reason of five turbidity.The heart of every cream.

Yue: soul mountain spirit award, spirit as the soul of the universe;Namely, the heart also.He never know everything, see reason unknown, heart the heart turbidity also shamed and block.Eye is the essence of the portal, is the pioneer of various violent.So the operator meridian yue: machine in the cloud in the wind, in the eye of god, and unknown, see not argue, view people eye material also is not god block.The mouth has the gift of gab, high theory.Therefore, huainan have move mountains sea-crossing nonsense.Qu yuan, pour day to say, come out of the livestock of innocent, hair language disorder without cutting, no determination of turbidity.Can hand psalteries drum music is good book, good to the best of the martial arts, carving painting skill is in the hand, should can't hold song, against to wash of zhu in basket and yi.This hand is polluted.All things known one can, however, people can know the unitary, the five person, is to use.Can for her husband;Do not for turbidity, the shape of burly.Chu, installed dress integrable beauty zai.And five are not made, the first is more than heart.However, yue: what phase to discern.Confucius said: without meaning to make a lowered the hairline.ROM meter nephew eye, two eye god tears, two portals denier pads willing to fort mail lip white, small ear low forehead, hair is thick, lu meat means cross bald: wall face, body without torr armour, this is the effect of god, to be detailed to prepare article of charting the look.

Or yue: for ending poverty is rich, this fruit is what the Lord.Child without meaning, yue: not cloud phase method, shorten words, without delay, and firing long full to cabinet, minds well.Besides, to listen to, to our heart, to three, do not break any blame zai, is poor.Look don't ask, don't stop there, because, my lucky will come to sent us but deathless my renown.

Or yue: the flow of blessing may discern, know its on.Virtual virtual Confucius said: if the third hour, and flow of medical life, star life painters, their eyes will show, the hand will be clear, the god will quiet, the heart and as eye will micro gas, dew forehead will float, the hand will be soft, refers to the tip, foot more elderly but the wind, everything, heart clear mirrors, to Ming can hole in the heart, god want foot can such as the man of god.Hobby to piano chess, more elegant, beautiful eyes will, its static also like jian, its white like autumn flowers, the above refers to its portal, agent flow so full.

Blessings and static or yue: a phase should be everlasting peace, yao lost again?Confucius said: without meaning the blessings, therefore XiFeng shoe thickness, its static not really static also.Cloud phase method without god who will come day, and sat GuRen cloud, fierce day earlier, years how can forever?

Or yue: the rich man ZiZhu also calculate?Confucius said: without meaning human eyebrow eye nose and mouth to promote together, but all on cylinder device not only riches and honour.

Or yue: say a phase and more too?Confucius said: without meaning lips cover tooth and looks not so no ears.Or yue: a broken nose has a mole this?Confucius said: without meaning should be nevus poem tactic cloud nose should be jade's tomb is indeed as expected, the nose has a right to the left and so broken without the jade's tomb.

Or yue: uterine disease to generate a list of what is of the form: Confucius said: without meaning is those study after many long hand show bright buccal tip, in GongMen organic cold soon, if: great height, gavel others, end of the class and the poor, zygomatic, bloated, chest stand head thrown back, sound marketing hair in cold main gai.If place regular see evil know, life can also reserves the right to die well.Face stretched drum eye comb, his thin mesh short, dry, life of the spring sit like back and god;Blood is not color, and labial teeth, kiss is not will be extreme.

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