Company name mathematical choice

Company name mathematical choice

Closely connected and mathematical, have had a mathematical, on the basis of zhouyi gossip with mathematical can deduce.Name has a number of strokes, according to the names on the number of strokes can be concluded that the name is good or bad, such as"The plum blossom is easy number"Recorded in the ancient example is deduced from according to the number of strokes.

Names without zhouyi mathematical to determine more good or bad, and the company name and brand name is different, they need to use mathematical for judgment, this is the company name, brand name, product name and the difference of personal name, company name, trademark, the name of the difficulty.

Below is a list from 1 to 81 painting company name mathematical for readers reference:

Company name painted 81 mathematical/best fostered in good/poor/bad

1 - prosperous, credit is solid, ten thousand people look up to, the horse to work.

2 draw shake instability, crumbling, boom and bust, in vain.

3 draw - foundation stability, Pepsi mishaps, wishful auspicious, can be successful.

4 draw the road ahead is unknown, hardships, not perseverance, hard, and success.

5 pictures/harmony of Yin and Yang, spirits, fame and fortune, the business is thriving.

6 - wanbao gathered, fu xi, determined to go and get into home.

7 / sole business, propitious pleasant, surmount every difficulty, will be successful.

8 - to developed, expectations, and proper, can get success.

9 painting is holding the wizards, there is no life, alone the camp is weak, and financial difficult.

10 picture - dark clouds all month, outlook, empty heart, in vain.

11 - meet spring grass, can gadites, sound real, will be successful.

12 painting being weak, isolated, auspicious bitter, difficult situation.

13 paintings - talent auspicious, branches and leaves with dew, use wisdom, will be successful.

14 draw after the first bitter sweet, there will be gave way, the success or failure gain and loss, but by perseverance.

15 paintings - humility, and inside and outside, great achievement, the business is thriving.

16 can draw - coveted, success, fame and fortune, leader.

17 - the obstacles, noble help, issued, will be successful.

18 painting work/business, rectify, if can take, Pepsi prosper.

Success is early 19 picture, take precautions against losses, both inside and outside, the obstacles.

20 paintings - heart zhi-yuan gao, hardships, alarming due to, in a dilemma.

21 - get unexpected help, popularity is good, the plum flower, spring coming in full bloom.

22 painting wall down the push, aspiring difficult stretch, sorrow hatred, that didn't work out so well.

23 - the sunrise, a move, gradual progress and all.

24 paintings - for the road ahead, you must rely on self-reliance, multi-purpose ingenuity, can have.

25 paintings - right person, and good with people, be particular about credit, success is in sight.

26 - ups and downs, go, surmount every difficulty, will be successful.

27 picture taken eleven percent failure, a tide, but the careful, can be successful.

28 - eggs, not bad luck, bad this number, and name.

And had 29 - like a duck to water, soaring perhaps work.

30 evenly divided painted picture good or bad, the trade-off, opportunistic, as a race.

31 - the number of business, fame and fortune, get, great achievement.

32 - the dragon of pool, occasion, soar, success will be.

33 painting - humble, popular, such as can silently, will be successful.

34 painting/difficult, difficult to be success, this number is not auspicious, renamed.

35 - number of peace, in a conservative, business stability, achievement.

36 paintings nurture waves overlap, often in trouble, indoor, have no life.

37 - get unexpected help, knock on wood, everything goes well, the business is thriving.

38 - name is available,, hard to gain, and arts development, is expected to succeed.

39 paintings - cloud open on that, work pay, and a bright future, success will be.

Picture taken the rise and fall success or failure, 40 Shen Fu, boat, since god bless.

41 good luck draw - talent, moral prestige both ability and political integrity, continue to work hard, the future unlimited.

42 painted picture half-hearted, 19, concentrate on enterprising, success is in sight.

Flowers of 43 pictures taken the rainy night, a crisis, endurance strength, save the day.

Although fostered by calculating 44 picture, difficult and buts, get rich quick, to failure.

45 pictures/willows in spring, green leafy branches, go forward, shot to fame.

46 picture ahead bumpy, challenging, lack of perseverance, not be successful.

47 - get unexpected help, can cause, even if unfortunate, also can be stable.

48, painting/beautification informative standout, fame and fortune 倶, prosperity with a silver spoon in her mouth.

49 painting in being good is good, in poor are poor, but the careful, save the day.

50 painted picture quality mixed, eleven percent failure, there is good in bad, good in there.

51 picture taken the rise and fall success or failure, and less often, self-respect, insurable peace.

52 / getting a new lease, after a storm comes a calm, persistent pursuit, can be successful.

53 painted pictures' mixed, auspicious bitter, like before, first joy after sorrow.

54 paintings - though, to not be successful, the number of poor, changed its name to.

55 painted picture my palace as the pseudo, actual need, overcome difficulties, tai yun.

56 painting backfired, being successful is hard to find, haste makes waste, begin well but end badly.

57 - despite difficulties, fortunes, wilderness spring, spring to sprout.

58 picture - good or bad, ups and start is good, the bad end can guarantee success.

59 draw something suspicion, not be viable, radical, can be successful.

60 paintings nurture prospects, heart fan, inconsistencies and difficult to set guidelines.

Painted 61 pictures of cloud cover and a half months, and the implicit, shall be careful, be safe.

62 painting being annoyed, business exhibition, defense distress, beginning from trouble.

63 - everything germinal, are booming, concentrate on business and can succeed.

64 - the inconsistency, 19, in vain, changed its name.

65 - good luck come, famous, grasp the opportunity, a great success.

66 - the night long, dilemma, both inside and outside, is hard to find success.

Painting - 67 alone the camp business, all the best, success, riches and honour come.

68 painting/thought a lot, book, do not break opportunities, will be successful.

69 painting being shaken, often in adversity, may not be fortunes, rare profits.

70 - has already run, hard to avoid poverty, this number is not good, the best name.

Painted 71 pictures or mixed, only the courage, to carry out, success will be.

72 mixed being is good or bad, bad, more optimal less lost, difficult to anshun.

73 paintings - happiness, auspicious nature, what don't understand, will succeed.

Draw the being is less than 74 fee, sit fresh mountain air, if there is no wisdom, could not be successful.

With 75 painted pictures better, haste makes waste, into less, can save auspicious.

76 - the number of poor, like bankruptcy, quick change name, to avoid bad luck.

Painted 77 pictures first after bitter sweet, first after the bitter, if you can hold, without fail.

78 picture painted the trade-off, flashy, must air-conditions, beginning of preservation.

79 painting fostered the night long, prospect light, often not compensated, in vain.

80 painted picture easy to keep, in vain, positive enterprising, insurable success.

81 - the number of the most highly, is essential, return to have successfully developed prosperity.

But it is not absolute, different industries, while its mathematical choice should have different priorities.

Industry: appropriate USES 5, 7, 17, 23, 25, 32, 35, 37, 39, 41, 47, 57, 61, 68, 52, etc.Manufacturing: appropriate USES 7, 8, 17, 18, 23, 31, 33, 37, 39, 41, 47, 52, 63, 67, 81, etc.

Draw the being is less than 74 fee, sit fresh mountain air, if there is no wisdom, could not be successful.

With 75 painted pictures better, haste makes waste, into less, can save auspicious.

76 - the number of poor, like bankruptcy, quick change name, to avoid bad luck.

Painted 77 pictures first after bitter sweet, first after the bitter, if you can hold, without fail.

78 picture painted the trade-off, flashy, must air-conditions, beginning of preservation.

79 painting fostered the night long, prospect light, often not compensated, in vain.

80 painted picture easy to keep, in vain, positive enterprising, insurable success.

81 - the number of the most highly, is essential, return to have successfully developed prosperity.

But it is not absolute, different industries, while its mathematical choice should have different priorities.

Industry: appropriate USES 5, 7, 17, 23, 25, 32, 35, 37, 39, 41, 47, 57, 61, 68, 52, etc.Manufacturing: appropriate USES 7, 8, 17, 18, 23, 31, 33, 37, 39, 41, 47, 52, 63, 67, 81, etc.Wholesale: appropriate USES 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 18, 21, 23, 25, 31, 33, 37, 39, 41, 47, 52,

57, 63, etc.

Retail: appropriate USES 5, 11, 15, 16, 18, 21, 23, 24, 25, 32, 35, 45, 61, 68, 73, etc.

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