The name method of creative advertising company

The name method of creative advertising company

Many don't know how to a creative name for the advertising company to friends, come and look small make up for everybody of creative advertising company name of the method.

Creative advertising company name

Method of creative advertising company name:

1, to personality, fashion

Advertising companies is in order to be able to let the public see the purpose of the propaganda and the products of the company's unique charm, make you feel beautiful, feel the value, so if it's advertising company name is not outstanding, suction to the broad masses of friends why critical eye, no profit to speak of it again.

2, advertising companies locate to

Clever, prominent characteristics.Is a unique, charming brand name should be able to reflect on the design characteristics and advantages of enterprise products, show the special charm."

3, to consider the five elements

The name needs to be combined with industry and the founder of the five elements to determine if the five elements is likely to be adverse to the career development.

4, keep it simple and clear

Short and concise mainly contains the number of words and names of strokes, etc., subject words best don't more than four the number of words, because, according to research, people remember the name of a thing, more than 4 words is the most easy to remember, and word stroke should be concise, not too complicated, otherwise it is not easy to remember, also for the promotion of late.

5, to consider the competition

Name is unique, the best if the same industry or dilettante big brand company with that name, you will have to be a different name, or confusing, the brand strategy of the company will be a serious impact.

6, when the company name to the new idea

Reputation should be like god, moistens everything silently.Corporate culture is a kind of living culture, the rapid growth of culture, clever and culture, culture of keeping the pace with The Times.Support the leading company culture core power is the name of the company, to remain, magic than this.Eternal youth, built to last, bonanza, just call the company culture.LaoNiuPoChe, looks not clear, the name of the is to reach the purpose of the Midas touch, not earn money.

7, to reflect its role

Advertising company's main object is the enterprise, and enterprise is the purpose of looking for advertising company in order to be able to make the company into a higher stage, get more people to know and deal, so play the role of advertising company is planning, is spread, is marketing, also can be made, but it is not that trade and business, so the suffix general advertising company and planning, communication, production such as vocabulary, if the company's business scope is wide, can be added, what all don't directly in the form of advertising company "* *".Creative advertising company name

8, the name of the company should comply with the corporate philosophy, the service objective,

This helps the shape in the image of company.As the blue jays building "bluebird" two words, really like a island in the ocean blue, quiet and peaceful, in order to provide a locations, pour out of the "blue jays love" to consumers, so as to set up good company image.

9, to sound and harmonious

Pinyin is harmonious, smooth and not around the mouth is very critical, if name how to read all feel uncomfortable, that how to let others remember your shop, avoid by all means, name is big fear man.

Creative advertising company name taboo

1, avoid is used a partial words

Brand name is a call for consumer, this should take into account the popular words in question, however unfortunately some trademark on the name words there are some very serious problems.A little-used name don't say that ordinary people don't know, I'm afraid even college teacher may not know everyone.

2, avoid bad intention

For example, you are engaged in manufacturing and selling cosmetics, so good to be true. To login name "heroin" trademark and make consumers to buy.Then you might on an impulse and the trademark office is frustrating but again!Because of the word "heroin" is synonymous with the drug not only homophones and, apparently had violated the so-called kindCustoms and habitsThe principle of.

3, avoid is used a polyphone

The name using polyphone, like using a little-used words can bring a lot of inconvenience to people's call, moral itself is not enough clear.With many names, names, there are two or more of the hair the sound when it would be easier to let a person feel confused about what to do.For example: the sea restaurant, one of the "LE" has two read, read a LE, make a read, make people do not know what to read the sound better.Such as the following words have two read: line (XING, HANG),

4, JiYu obscure meaning

Meaning is obscure speech is too abstruse, look not to understand others.Like choose little-used words, meaning is good, but no one understand, again good also does not make sense.

Creative advertising company named case analysis

Everyone is below small make up for the clean of creative advertising company named case analysis, here you can find inspiration for own advertising company name.

Creative advertising company name

Gives the letter the name case analysis of a creative advertising company

A, analysis from the meaning of advertising company name

Na: (1) introduction, acceptance, such as talents.(2) the collection, to hide in."Poem Bin wind" "built plant nursery in September, October, hetian married".(4) contribution to pay.Book · yu gong "" thyme fu", two hundred Zhi, in three hundred, straw.

Jas: (1) the correct specification.Noble, civilization.Han jia yi ":" the rhetoric of elegant, jas for spring ".The tang dynasty, wang wei, "qing fei any romantic Gao Wenyou elegant".The respect of many people, said such as righteous people advice please yue, please people appreciate yue ya jian and so on.(2) the word, sung people to form, called a word."King YuanHaoWen" : "good guest in a virtual free day, lian song tong do ya".(3), zheng gagaku and banish."Liu xie, carving dragon, body sex" : "but is our, gas and soft, learn with depth, xi, zheng and poetic shuo, tao dyed by setting".(4) and my arms."Don li bai" : "don't have a good singing, how elegant bosom".

Letter: (1) honesty, don't cheat."The analects of Confucius · learning", "and friends and don't believe it?"(2) stretch, stretch."Reach"."Easy, copulative, under" : "the flexor of inchworm, in order to letter also."(3) by letter, stretch it at random, a charm in the song dynasty, lu you, autumn pavilion worship to victor lai and portrait ":" padang poem named state, etc.The startling letter hand carried.(4) building, pleases, coolly samples from the guest, commonly used to describe the guest's poise, him mad.In chairman MAO's poetry: "short stroll.

Second, from the mathematical analysis on advertising company name

"Gives the letter" a number of 31 for "intelligent capabilities and can do" lucky number of wood, in line with the numerology, indicate your life and career peace and good fortune, fame and fortune, and with the wind sail.

Three, advertising company name gives the letter orz poem:

Your kindness system of an ancient name for China,

When fortune RongHui with before.

Letter as per degree of song,

Good pleasure JiaYan to huan.

The name case analysis two cacophony in creative advertising company

A, analysis from the meaning of advertising company name

Voice: melody.Voice and face.The song dynasty, ouyang xiu, phase state day kam tong ji: "as for the event, in the big discussion, gentlemen and giant wat, poised, and measures the world Yu Taishan Ann, a rectification of xinjiang yi."Connections.Sound and breath."Easy, dry, classical Chinese" : "simultaneous corresponding, sympathies."[hydrophobic] : "simultaneous corresponding, if child sheep palace and the palace should, horns and angular motion is also;Sympathies, if day qin rain and development is tied to embellish.The two connections are also.After "is used to refer to the spirit of consistency between friends, such as voice and congenial.Which lead to the message, such as connections.

All: (1) wine.The ancient used as sacrifice ritual vessels.Bronze inscriptions with honour than ziyingdian word combinations.Words don't make bottles, 罇.(2) the noble, noble.As opposed to a low, easy copulative: "Buddha to British Columbia, qiankun empty."(3) respect and esteem.The analects yao yue: to yue: "four evil five beauty, screen, can be in politics."Historical records high-impedance ji: "is detailed bosom Wang Weiyi emperor, not his life.(4) or elders, elders.(5) used to be called emperor is supreme.6. Honorifics: male, brother chun, etc.All landowners quantifiers.Such as the Buddha statue, a statue of hall.

Second, advertising company name orz: creative advertising company name

Form the actuality, the prestige,

Affectionately ielts culvert.

Enjoy it with hin JiaYan xu,

Promises, as good pleasure.

Third, from the mathematical analysis on advertising company name

A number of 29, "intention" to "line at the boat, smooth" lucky number, water is the number of goods in numerology, suggest you career life peace and good fortune, fame and fortune.

Each other all the creative advertising company name three case analysis

Name meaning:

Each other all the

All: (1) wine.The ancient used as sacrifice ritual vessels.Bronze inscriptions with honour than ziyingdian word combinations.Words don't make bottles, 罇.(2) the noble, noble.As opposed to a low, easy copulative: "Buddha to British Columbia, qiankun empty."(3) respect and esteem.The analects yao yue: to yue: "four evil five beauty, screen, can be in politics."Historical records high-impedance ji: "is detailed bosom Wang Weiyi emperor, not his life.(4) or elders, elders.(5) used to be called emperor is supreme.6. Honorifics: male, brother chun, etc.All landowners quantifiers.Such as the Buddha statue, a statue of hall.

Each other: (1) governance, the rule.The book · dayu Hume ":" the one the wide."(2) to meet."Poem, such as south, magpie nests" : "in return, the son of the secrete of royal."(3) the suggestion.The prime minister.The spring and autumn period and the warring states period the nations have suggestion for c close, documents and note.(4) book.Submission of secret memorials had great differences in the emperor's book.

Auspicious name orz poem:

DE the mutually force before,

If masses of centering seamount.

Star yu coagulation fai this ancient meaning,

Han guan qin month tao ran.

Three, auspicious mathematical:

"And the" a number of 16, help more for noble, day b noble auspicious number.Use the name indicated is successful, the moral prestige double return, the Milky Way of stars, famous yu.

Creative advertising company name

A lot of friends all don't know how to for their own advertising company of a creative name, because so many creative name of many people have been registered, so how the name should be named creative advertising company?

Creative advertising company name

Top grade advertisement

The company advertising company

Jiaqi in advertising design company

Ringier international advertising company

Star advertising company

Huizhi advertising

Person of hometown advertising company

Evolution of advertising

Tigers shengshi advertising

Morning and advertising companies

Green advertising company

Golden horse advertising

Gen day advertising company

Hongchang advertising company

Zhuo beauty advertising design

Yu heng advertising company

Of the international advertising company

Broad economic advertising

JHJ advertising company

Infinite advertising

The serpentine advertising company

Bo exhibition advertising company

Shanghai ShengHuaXing advertising

Day love advertising company

The sky advertising company

North crocodile advertising co., LTD

The only media

The quartet advertising

Top advertising company

The advertising company

Long Xi advertising

And advertising company

The sun for the advertising company

Borui advertising company

Special advertising

The vertical point advertising company

Bond advertising

Jade horse advertising company

Blue mind advertising

The advertising company

The sunlight global advertising

The sea king advertising company

New awning advertising company

Shanghai jerry, management consulting

Our new image advertising planning company

Ideas advertising company

Online advertising company

Phoenix color printing advertising

Hui aerial advertising

Heze big jingjiu advertising company

Dragon media advertising

Hundred advertising

Our firm macro advertising

The aggressive advertising company

Kirin media

Hk benevolence media

The black house advertising agency

Ling yue advertising

Maoming flying deer advertising company

Creative advertising company name

Flash ads

No environmental advertising

Bo sea advertising media

The flourishing tang dynasty advertising company

Changzhou LaoWu advertising company

Watson advertising company

Silver bow advertising company

Sega advertising

Sheng media advertising media

Kuang visual advertising company

The advertising company

Xin arts advertising

The advertising company

Neon advertising company

The general advertising

Day dragon advertising company

Avant-garde advertising company

New ideas of advertising

Hansen advertising company

Colorful advertising company

Jinan tianma advertisement company

Cheng xu advertising co., LTD

, advertising company

Blue creative advertising company

Advertising companies

Being up advertising

Strong advertising company

Bridge advertising company

Skynet advertising company

Fly high advertising

Black eyes advertising company

Cathay advertising company

Love is beautiful

From the morning advertising company

The jersey advertising company

Create beauty advertising

Super cloud advertising company

Optimal speed AD

Bole advertising co., LTD

Gold terminal advertising company

Grasp of space advertising media company

Good creative advertising company name

Creative advertising company name should be creative to also want to listen, so small make up also arrange some for you, take a look at good creative advertising company name.

Creative advertising company name

Creative advertising company name

Pleasant goat advertising company

Gold leaf advertising company

Lights advertising

Poly advertising company

Wings of the advertising company

Chang rong advertising company

Emperor cheng advertising company

Its meaning is advertising company

Day jie advertising company

Mizar advertising company

Guang xu advertising company

Yinghao advertising

Rural part advertising company

Thinking good advertising

Have to the advertising company

Deo advertising company

Poplar advertising company

Wan Jia advertising

Figure bond advertising

Has the advertising company

Keller (COLOR) advertising media company

Hua yu advertising company

Outstanding advertising company

Xin domain advertising company

Dehong prefecture advertising company

Bo unreal ads

Jin Juan advertising company

The advertising company

Tiger spirit advertising

Wantong advertising company

Mei high advertising company

Tianma advertising company

Constant peak advertising company

Cinda advertising company

City advertising company

Dragon rhyme advertising company

If the water culture media

Nine rings product advertising

The spring and autumn period and the advertising

Day jiao advertising

Yang hua to many advertising companies

Creative advertising company name

Bower advertising

Noble elegant advertising

Toward the advertising company

Gen far advertising co., LTD

In the media advertising

Morning glory advertising company

Huacai media

Jalam advertising company

Night long advertising

Fangyuan advertising

A way of advertising companies

Our firm into advertising

Wenshan image media

The rain flower culture media

Hk, advertising company

Innovative advertising company

More than,

Mainstream advertising

The civic advertising company

Ocean advertising company

The advertising company

Original mind wall advertising company

New north advertising company

Throughout the advertising company

Mido advertising

Jinxin advertising

The horse advertising company

Spirit advertising media company

Dapao advertising company

Advertising company in February

Dan culture media

The advertising company

Male advertising company

Yan yan advertising company

Australia's advertising company

Beyond advertising

Ding li advertising

ShengHao advertising

Think good widely known advertising

The future advertising company

Dragon advertising company

Well-known advertising company

Red sun advertising company

Name of advertising

Starr advertising company

Bunker advertising company

Flying deer advertising company

Amway of advertising companies

Stunning advertising company

Future create beauty advertising company

Highest day advertising company

Bo jie advertising company

Chinese super advertising company

Hong au day a advertising company

YunXiang advertising company

Heart lights advertising media company

Konka advertising company

And advertising company

Fashion creative advertising company name

The great advertising company

Creative advertising company name

Creative advertising company name

Yong shun advertising company

Beacon advertising media company

Long Biao advertising

Ka wah advertising company

Outstanding advertising

Fly advertising company

The flourishing advertising company

JiXiang advertising company

Time and space advertising company

Seg advertising company

Prajna advertising company

Chen advertising company

Henriseng century AD companies

East advertising company

Art hong advertising media company

Changfeng advertising

Yixing advertising company

Nine easy advertising company

Golden sheep eye advertising company

Prosperous advertising company

Open up to advertising company

Gold platinum advertising company

North advertising company

Brand planning on the east

Pioneer, film and television advertising company

Dragon advertising company

In the advertising company

Jiangsu dragon advertising company

Beijing bo SAN yunfeng advertising company

Creative advertising space

Al advertising company

Bo gen advertising company

The top advertising

Day (lion) advertising media company

Optimal escape advertising company

Star advertising co., LTD

Successfully joint advertising

Cb advertising

Golden island advertising company

D people advertising company

Creative advertising company name

Optimal art advertising

Astronomical advertising company

First advertising company

Dragon rhyme culture media

Admiralty culture media

Hoau advertising company

Ink cold advertising company

The shapeGo to schooladvertising

Taihe large advertising company

SAN Yang advertising

Sunny advertising company

Macao shun advertising

Star cheng advertising company

Proclaim the advertising company

St the advertising company

Three yuan advertising company

Hertha Mr Jia media advertising co., LTD

Huizhi advertising company

Yunlong advertising company

Union advertising company

Spot gold advertising company

Some advertising media company

Days of media advertising

HaoXing culture media

New luminescent spot advertising company

The advertising company in anhui province

Orange visual advertising

Nison advertising

Lianchuang space-time advertising huayi

An advertising company

Jin Hongda advertising company

Day into the advertising company

Colorful advertising company

Is advertising company

Month zero advertising media company

New advertising company

C-com advertising company

Jinnuo advertising company

LingLi advertising company

Weihai newspaper advertising company

Huaxing advertising company

Honghe advertising company

Yi ji advertising

Global advertising company

Mr Potier wing advertising company

Aibo advertising company

In the art decoration advertising company

Glory advertising company

The universal AD

Chery advertising company

Land and advertising company

Three-dimensional advertising company

Tianyu advertisement company

Jinqiao advertising company

Swift horse advertising company

Staff s advertising company

Industry advertising company

Western style of creative advertising company name

Is below small make up for everybody finishing editing the brim of the creative advertising company names, interested can look at.

Creative advertising company name

Creative advertising company name

Ding's advertising

Xi 'an - meaning advertising company

Tong hong advertising

Gen round advertising company

Kaiyuan advertising

Zhongtian advertising company

Oceanpower advertising company

Century through advertising

Chicken young advertising company

Nature advertising company

Special advertising company

Ed wei advertising

The advertising company first

Time and space technology advertising company

Boao dragon advertising company

Times advertising company

Dichroa advertising company

Thick DE culture media

Acm advertising

Dongying colorful advertising company

Kun yi culture media

Is superior in culture media

Changshu celebrities advertising company

Liuzhou advertising company

Wise advertising company

Impression advertising

Hongxing advertising company

A larger image advertising company

Eastern wisdom advertising company

Beijing yuan and advertising company

Bo source advertising company

Three advertising company

Three good advertising company

RongJun advertising

Huachi advertising company

Good advertising company

Teng advertising company

Han and tang dynasties China lion advertising

Huacai AD company

Bates advertising

East longitude advertising company

Gold advertising

Its advertising company

Creative advertising company name

Life guide advertising

Hong strong advertising media company

Originality of advertising

MingWei advertising

Pyramid advertising company

Huaqiang advertising

A good product advertising

Reddy's advertising company

At the advertising company

The advertising company

Seven star advertising company

Img advertising

Dalian Mr Tong international advertising company

HaoYing advertising

Adopt the advertising company

F, an advertising company

Grey advertising

Xin said ehud Shapiro advertising company

Its advertising company starr advertising company

China and Thailand advertising company

Jiangshan advertising company

Primus points

Thousands of art best advertising company

LuDing advertising company

Jing hong advertising

The advertising company

CTV xing cultural media

The compass cultural advertising

The tram advertising company

Sinocom advertising company

East teng advertising

Sheng ya advertising company

The city into the advertising company

The evening newspaper advertising company

A advertising company

Creative advertising company of chengdu

Sharp and advertising companies

Merit cultural transmission

Easyjet tianxia advertisement company

Best honesty culture media

New horizons advertising company

Company advertising

Industrial and commercial advertising company

Day high advertising

New forces advertising company

Flying in fashion advertising company

Think advertising company

Guangzhou advertising company

The east chang AD

Sincere advertising company

Boda advertising co., LTD

Time sunshine advertisement

Creative advertising company named method of related content

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