The name grocery store name of grocery store

How to named a grocery store just to master a few tricks

Whether what kind of shops, regardless of the size of the shop, need to store up a name, just like everyone has a name.Taobao store under the name just to master a few tricks.

The grocery store name, the name of grocery store

(1) with mark principle.Names can be attached at the same time a markers, with the characteristic of this shop to deepen customer impression of the grocery store.The markers associated with the name of the grocery store.A grocery store, for example, iron cow markers can provide a robust very cow.When people see the markers immediately think of the grocery store.

(2) the principle of one-upmanship.Open a shop business to avoid competition with peers, so, in the name to superior and voice, to the customer to shock.For example, extraordinary, wanda is an excellent shop name.

(3) the principle of do STH unconventional or unorthodox.The name of the grocery store to get rid of a "grocery store" convenience stores such as "old" name, to give a person with fresh, keep up with the pace of The Times, using the new idea of the name, attract customers into the store.For example, blue moon, forget me not, know what you are novel, deepen customer impression of the store.

(4) catchy principle.Name to the grocery store not only play a novel, simple, easy to remember, and want to read catchy.The name of the disabled not be smooth, jawbreaker or polyphone.Such as "convenience stores jinxin" than "xinxin convenience stores" easy to read.The grocery store name, the name of grocery store

(5) the outstanding individual character principle.Try to be outstanding personality shop name.To avoid other shops of the same name, with their unique characteristics to attract customers.

(6) fonts principle.Good name, is specially designed for store the name of the font.Word to strive for in the form of novel, unique, let a person never forgets anything, give a person with aesthetic feeling.While there is no limit to the rules of word, but don't be too exaggerated, self-defeating, not good effect.

(7) principle is simple and easy to remember.In the grocery store play follow the principle of simple and easy to remember.Name the number of words not too much, with 3-5 words advisable, is concise and lively, easy to customers.For example, some grocery store called "convenience store", although is too simple, but the customer can blurt out, cause the attention of the customer.

(8) industry characteristic principle.Grocery store name should also highlight the characteristics of shop business, but don't put limitations name too.Names such as "grocery store" it is difficult to extend to other goods, hindered the development of the store.Customers see a grocery store instinctively think is a miscellaneous collection of small shops, so, even if the store goods is rich, also because of my name will be customer block at the door.

The name of good grocery store

The success of a taobao shop, and his service, credit, goods are linked, but the first step is often a good taobao name, this is often the best way to attract buyers to come to the store.The following is a small make up to sort out the good taobao store name, the hope and help you.

The grocery store name, the name of grocery store

The grocery store name, the name of grocery store

Mr Q grocery store

3 a grocery store

808 life hall

Ct life hall

Fashion lane

K21 grocery store

KK grocery store


Qq convenience store

Yoki grocery store

Zakka grocery pavilion

Any lift her grocery store

The purple grocery store


Pavilion love quality life

Love sunny grocery store

Love is for a grocery store

Love ya

Love corner grocery store

The White House a grocery store

Best suitable grocery store

"Tiger hall

Colour profusion grocery store

Super milk dad grocery store

Daisy handmade cloth grocery store

Sichuan wretched grocery store

Adjacent club Japanese grocery store

Big male grocery store

Island hand as a grocery store

The grocery store name, the name of grocery store

The third Tokyo

The fifth avenue.

Doug mama grocery store

Colorful appeal cabin

A lot of

Many grocery shop

How good a grocery store

Ah grocery store

The blessed one,

Big grocery store

The wings of the wind the grocery store

Lucky stars

Fusion grocery store

The ancient the grocery store

Guan haw grocery store

The story of time

Guo shifu grocery store

Fruit grocery store

Hello Mimi a grocery store

Island integrity grocery store

Overseas online shopping store

Gifts friends grocery store

Like holiland groceries

Good taste a grocery store

A grocery store

And auspicious

The grocery store and kindly

Goofs off the grocery store

flowersThe rabbitGrocery store

Worth it

Huanhuan grocery store


Add a new grocery store


Home and department store


Trainee love grocery store

River's lake grocery store

Corner of the hut

The corner grocery store

The old time

Jun heng grocery store

Kuo tree original manual grocery store

Coke overseas grocery

Rita a grocery store

Cool color grocery store

Happy river's lake


Hot mama grocery store

Blue lake grocery store

The lazy grocery store

The yurakucho groceries

LePin hall

Le for a grocery store

Tycoon li grocery store

Ryohin keikaku grocery pavilion

LiangYu grocery store

Lam trading grocery store

Pop grocery store

Los los small grocery store

Catcher impression life hall

The wheat grocery store

Mani grocery store

Beautiful and purchasing

Beautiful beautiful

Charm space

MOE of the grocery store


Rosemary grocery store

M the grocery store

Mitty ni

Socialite grocery store

Moore manor

Magic to the grocery store

The north-south grocery store

You and me his grocery store

Fat girl

Pretty baby

Taste life

7 shop

In the grocery store

Kiki baby

Kei goods in a grocery store

Total foreign trade a grocery store

Rose angel grocery store

Youth station

Green grocery store

Let mammy grocery store

If water grocery store

The grocery store three monks

Bashan treasure to the grocery store

Deep bo department stores

Dark blue light blue household groceries

The left hand of god

Poem groceries to club

Ten saburo miscellaneous warehouse

Time to grocery store


Double happiness a grocery store

Square flange

Element tree household groceries

Candy week eight grocery store

Tao source

Day day up grocery store

Bugs bunny

Outer space grocery store

Wanda store

Wang zhen bao

Only love grocery store by hand

Only according to the grocery store

I love my family

Unknown boutique grocery store

The afternoon sun

Auspicious rich grocery store

XiangYu grocery store


To soak up the grocery store

To's grocery store

If Xiao grocery store

White dots grocery store

Little firewood grocery store

Small lovely grocery store

Mr Ma

Small pretty waist grocery store

XiaoPing fruit

Little grocery store

Small age shopping arcade etc.service

A little skylight grocery

Kannika nimtragol, high-quality goods store

Small XianEr

A small game a grocery store

A little happiness

The pig run

Shacos grocery store

XiaoLi daily grocery store

The heart is like Jane boutique store.

The stars

Xinglong grocery store

Happiness harbour

Snowflake sugar grocery store

Princess household

The sun

Sunshine shop

A tree grocery shop

One meter sunshine


A creative grocery store

The grocery store is the name of personality

Now is an era of the pursuit of personality, unique name, can let a person have in store.

The grocery store name, the name of grocery store

3 a grocery store

808 life hall

CT life hall

K21 grocery store

Zakka grocery pavilion

Any lift her grocery store

Pavilion love quality life

Love is for a grocery store

Love corner grocery store

Different dimensional

Easy to Jane together

Optimal beauty fang ju household act the role ofing is tasted groceries

This article a grocery store

There are stories of groceries

Yulong grocery store

Expedition boutique store

The more time and space

Cloud mirror

Organizing a grocery store

Zi zi miscellaneous

Just grocery store

To shang fang

Weeks mother grocery store

The grocery store name, the name of grocery store

Purple star hin

Colorful appeal cabin

Many grocery shop

Ah grocery store

The blessed one,

The wings of the wind the grocery store

Guan haw grocery store

Island integrity grocery store

Overseas online shopping store

Good taste a grocery store

The grocery store and kindly

Take the rabbit grocery store

Worth it

Huanhuan grocery store

River's lake grocery store

The corner grocery store

Jun heng grocery store

Coke overseas grocery

Rita a grocery store

Cool color grocery store

Blue lake grocery store

The yurakucho groceries

Le for a grocery store

Los los small grocery store

Catcher impression life hall

No name of the grocery store

MOE of the grocery store

In the grocery store

Kei goods in a grocery store

Green grocery store

The grocery store three monks

Bashan treasure to the grocery store

Dark blue light blue household groceries

Poem groceries to club

Ten saburo miscellaneous warehouse

Element tree household groceries

My name is grocery store

The afternoon sun

Auspicious rich grocery store

To soak up the grocery store

To's grocery store

If Xiao grocery store

White dots grocery store

Mr Ma

Little grocery store

A small game a grocery store

Snowflake sugar grocery store

A tree grocery shop

Optimal beauty fang ju household act the role ofing is tasted groceries

This article a grocery store

Purple star hin

The name of the grocery store with a message

Name here is taobao grocery store with a message, every store in the name, the name of the shop boss will have its meaning.

The grocery store name, the name of grocery store

The grocery store name, the name of grocery store

Name: the grocery store

Explanation: caring, it is better to remembrance.People in jianghu, actually.

Name: month every grocery store

Paraphrase: part of the month bevan win word, and in times of harmonics, the moral shop booming development, performance, realize win-win situation of stores and customers.

Name: tao tesco

Explanation: when picking things can purchase experience among them joy, in other places can't buy things, looking for tesco can buy.

Name: comfortable home

Paraphrase: comfortable home, let the home more comfortable, better life;Comfortable home, everyday comfort you forever.

Name: Andrew bynum don

Definition: the name sounds special atmosphere, because the grocery store has sold goods involves all aspects of life, so think "baina lates hall" is more appropriate.

Fang: Jane, Jane contracted and not simple, personal and not make public.Fang, wisdom art workshops.The grocery store name, the name of grocery store

Name: jia hui

Quality assurance, affordable home.

Name: big miscellaneous shop

Explanation: listen to the name is a bit nostalgic feeling, big miscellaneous shop said what all have.

Name: Meg

Definition: grid, quality."Meg" moral goods are of perfect quality, let people to enjoy the high quality of life.

Name: optimal hui jia hui/best home

Paraphrase: optimal, reflect the product quality.Beautiful, with home, reveal best and convenience.Hui, hui, meaning to gather the high quality goods, privileged customers.

Name: time

Paraphrase: every item will cause a certain period of time in memory, these objects is the key to the past memories, roaming in the store, like walking in a period of time.

Name: xi was packed/happy/glad to buy/macro

Definition: name with concise and easy to remember, popular and easy to give priority to.

Name: a small sparrow

Definition: from the sparrow is small, all-sided, creative and unique name.

Name: the optimal one

Interpretation: a simple nature, practical and simple.

Name: micro Yang

Definition: in life a little bit of sunshine, although the interpretation of small shop are the most common things in life, but still can from these things reflect human wisdom and art, or a lighted candle, or melody gently flowing music box, we can all from comprehension to the bright side of life is the most simple and English name: little sunshine

Name: Jane eyre

Paraphrase: we can fall in love with a person, fall in love with a job, fall in love with a kind of life, also can fall in love with every little thing, in the sight of gadgets, this is the most simple love,The English name:simple love

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