Bless determination method

Bless determination method

A person to accomplish something, will is a very important factor, should do one thing.Often will play an important role.

Parents and elders held out much hope for a child, always want to let them grow up strong, perseverance, do a big business.Without perseverance and strong will, I hope will, therefore, parents in named the child, pay attention to this aspect very much.Such as:

Joe liu, general, will be strong.

XiangShouZhi, general, tzu chi is consistently insist on his own ambitions, it also needs to be strong.

GuanShengZhi, general, ShengZhi is strong.

FuQueJian, really hard, really strong.In FuJian (jin dynasty) general names to add a "really" word, because look good.Zhou zhigang, will just the will is strong.

Fu, as always, persistent.

To Japan, that is, to have perseverance.

Strong, strong will.

Roger wang, songjiang people of Ming dynasty, the word can be seen, the good copy ancient paintings.

PangJian, jingyang people in tang dynasty, troops stationed, after sketching the long Shi Shouying state, said the thief will be informed of, hard day and night, aid and food is not fall and die.

We trust, the warring states period when zhao debater, qin, have to deal with.

After three people are in constant, strong, yi words into the name, is will take persistence.

In order to express the ambitious, can be directly with "zhiyuan", "siyuan" and "to" into the name;

To express emphasis on moral quality, can be directly to "pregnant", "loyalty" and "modesty", "from jean" and "YiShan" into the name;

In order to express a certain character is yearning, can be directly to "grasp just", "yong", "strong" and "marriage" and "hui" into the name;

In order to express the hope everything goes well, can be directly to "shun", "shun", "insight" into the name;

In order to express the pursuit of happiness can be directly with the "rich" and "your", "fu" and "money" into the name;Wishes to express a healthy body, prolong life, can be directly use "relation" and "live", "health" and "kang" in name.

There is a case in point: an overseas Chinese, very homesick and relatives at home and gave children were called "hometown", "homesickness", "read township" its meaning is very clear.This example can be regarded as a typical example using's chest meaning nomenclature.

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