Gratitude the name method

Gratitude the name method

Parents name in the name of a symbol, to show his gratefulness in mind.

Such as father named fei-hu ma son named Ma Jingbiao, "tiger" the word is the meaning of "tiger", said to his father.Father named Gu Jiangting, son named Gu Hongxiang, mean inherited his father's volunteer, spread your wings and soars in the great river waves.Again last name is "Lin" like father, mother, called "Ding Zixiang", daughter named "Lin Fuyin", "fragrant" for "aroma", for the mother's memorial.

Using the name grace yukon memorial idea, can also, all the parents name USES three characters or four words: father's and mother's surname and name, the mother's and father's surname and name.

Like the father's surname, mother, baby name for mountain spring, or mountain ShiQuan;Father family name field, and the mother, the water, the child called paddy field;And like a father surnamed liu, mother surnamed zheng, might as well as a son or a daughter called LiuZhengMin, etc.

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