Surname li

Goddess: Lebanon HeJian mo 阝 county (now hebei Ren Qiu), when the southern and northern dynasties northern wei general, was given for the meritorious jue round city county, male, and the hawk's flight on the general.

Li qiao: northern and southern dynasties when qi Ming state (now ningbo city, zhejiang province), was dubbed yongle hou for the meritorious military service.

Li: the tang dynasty RongZhou (yibin in sichuan province), once was appointed the suggestion about doctor, such.Good star weft.

Li Chun: waste (now sichuan province), qingli periods of song dynasty jinshi, su shi made evaluation in the vision of the floor, it is: "just and RenMing, are not".

Li Ming: the song dynasty (now belong to hunan province), changsha to filial piety faith of high product is to feel appreciated.

Li lodge: song dynasty DongGuan County person, being sincere, heavy etiquette.Its cutting the deeds of healing for loved ones, and commended by the imperial court, famed for the world.

Penetration: Lebanon, conghua people of Ming dynasty zhengde years jinshi, author of "taichung draft", "west tour draft", "the fujian draft" corpus, etc.

Li chun: huarong county of hunan province, tianshun years of the Ming dynasty scholar, officer to nanjing does history.

Li: roughly guizhou zunyi, writer in the qing dynasty.Blessed are indifferent heart, heart research, especially good at poetry.

Jane: li shunde county of guangdong province in the qing dynasty, famous artists, good at painting landscape, painting to the yuan dynasty four people.

Mo 阝 Li Jingxi: their HeJian county county (now hebei Ren Qiu) person, good calligraphy, known as xuan, with good reading, and writing is not usually idle, officer to the motor general.

Li Jingde: song dynasty yongjia county (now belongs to zhejiang province), a former ShaYang main book.Knowledge, their ability to host editing "ShaYang county annals", is the author of "Zhu Ziyu class".

Danzhou Li Ziyun: song dynasty (now during the county of guangdong province), JiaPin studious, often see su shi and his brother wine, power the villa yue: "wine hall".

Li and true: the yuan dynasty, then oasis, benevolent governance, by the people, when people like to learn painting it, to remember fondly.

Li Suiqiu: panyu (now guangdong guangzhou), Ming dynasty poet, also good at landscape painting.

Oh my arms: (now belongs to guangdong conghua), in the Ming dynasty famous painter, is good at poetry, books, paintings, called "quiet".

Li Shu chang: guizhou zunyi, a diplomat in the late qing dynasty, essayist.Former ambassador to Britain, France, Germany and Japan counselor, and to minister to Japan.The author of "the statue park plexus draft of, has continued the ancient language class code.

Li: Huang Bei hubei, successive hubei military government military viceroy of hubei, nanjing interim government, vice President and President of the northern warlords government.

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