Dream of lighting lamps

What is the meaning of dream of lighting lamps?Dream dream of lighting lamps?Dream of lighting lamps have the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you dream of lighting of the torch the detailed solution.

Dream of lighting lamps

The dreams or personally lit torches said the dream of life in some ways to clean.It can also be symbol of oppression and discipline can't constraint of passion and power.

Dreamed that he fanned the fire that the dreamer the backlog of emotional need.In addition, this kind of dreams can also be said that the dreamer should clean up those antiquated ideas, to get a new start.

The torch on the spiritual level in the dream represents the power of the sun, warm encouragement and celebration of the sun.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream a torch.Dream day suspension torch, is the corner of the fireflies.Dream light through the river's lake, then move away as god.Dream of board, and the shape and the heart.Dream column in walls, prevent KouDao of invasion.But the sick of the dream, the body health of life."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream dreamed of seeing or personally lit torches said desire in your life in some ways to clean up.It can also be symbol of oppression and discipline can't constraint of passion and power.

Psychoanalysis: dreamed of his fans a fire that you need to get vent pent-up emotions.In addition, this kind of dreams can also say you should clean up those antiquated ideas, so as to get a new start.

Spiritual symbol: the torch on the spiritual level in the dream represents the power of the sun, warm encouragement and celebration of the sun.

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