Dream of operation

What is the meaning of dream of operation?Dream dream of operation?Dream of operation with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) the dream of operation of small make up to help you organize detailed solution.

Dream of operation

Dreaming that I am busy to add and subtract operations, said to overcome difficulties, you will be a tired of struggle, struggle before you the degree of difficulty is far more than you imagine in advance.

Dream of found the wrong addition, you can advance insight into the enemy's strategy in real life, and can make the enemy in the former.

Dream of using computer to do addition and subtraction, predicted that you will have a powerful supporter, can make you a great relief.

Number if you are always in my dream can't see clearly how much, this means due to ignore some key problems, make you have made a loss in economy.

Dreamed of operation case analysis

Dream description: dream and my classmates like in restaurants, to solve the problem. I'm copying her, but the teacher found as a result, so the teacher has taught me to do, but the answer to question solution doesn't always come out!

Dreams resolution: could you solve the problem as a dream, dream of doing, means you meet a problem, for this problem, you need to for a long time effort.

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