Dream of bones

Dream of shark fin is what mean?Dream dream of bones?Dream of shark fin have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of bones detailed solution.

Dream of bones

Dream of eatingThe big fishThroat fishbone catch, said communication is affected by a certain, because you have to take care of things too much, may influence the expression of emotional thoughts.

Dream of fishStab the tongue, is, of course, you have what words don't export, what's the room, or have something could not say.

Dream of bones, uncomfortable in the mouth, it is a dream, I'm afraid presage a little things can make the mood is bad.

Dream of shark fin stab throat, although you don't want to in recent days also want someone wait on you or even though you are very sad you had to serve others.

Dreamed of sleep-deprivation and case analysis

Dream description: had a dream last night that barb pierced between the teeth and gums, and then I pull down again, the plot of the rest are not too clear.Don't know what this predictor.

Resolution: dream this dream indicates that you will encounter a little trouble, it will affect your mood.

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