Dream of the ring

Dream of circle is what mean?Dream dream of ring?Dream of circle with reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official websiteDream of rings) small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of the ring

Dream of circle, said look your business is thriving, but did not make money to settle.

Young women dream of circle, hinted that she need to be careful, don't associate with others is abnormal, so as not to endanger the marriage and happiness.

Wreath is a symbol of honor and happiness, the dream wreaths represent success.

Dream of wearing a wreath, indicate whether it is business orThe test, can succeed.

Dream of garland to others, predict the wedding will be held.

Girls dream of wearing a wreath that will marry rich men.

Dream of a womanGarland, means a dream life rich.

Dream of someone wearing the colorful garland, indicate the dreamer wealth will come from all the surface of the parties, and will get a sweet love.

Dream of wearing a colorful garland, indicated that dream career will be gratifying achievements.

Dream of earrings, marriage and happiness.

Married women dreaming that I am wearing gold earrings, will have a beautiful boy.

Men would dream of gold earring, life really stubborn, ignorance GuLou.

The dream of others admire copper earrings, income will collapse.

Men dreamed of gold earring, his wife will soonpregnancy

Have dreamed that he head halo, excellent reputation, loved by others.

The prisoner dream of halo around his head, will release ahead of time.

marriedA womanDreamed of his head with aura, will be affected by the husband family's respect.

Widows have dreamed that he head halo, probation chastity all pass.

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