Dream of the paint

Dream of paint is what mean?Dream dream of paint?Dream of paint with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of paint a detailed solution.

Dream of the paint

Dream of paint, usually suggests that the dreamer wants to hide his or her own fault or weakness, on the other hand, also suggest the dreamer hopes to leave a good impression.

Dream of white paint, said could you doubt others to cover up the real ideas, lie to you.Or do you want to cover up his fault.

Dreaming that I am in the furniture paint, suggesting that you may have to own a job recently, or done something, feel defective, heart is not very satisfied, I hope it can be more perfect, more perfect.

Dreaming that I am in paint the house, it suggests that you want to completely get rid of old ideas, liberation, to face a new start.In addition, the house also symbolizes the body.Dream of paint the house may also hinted at sick, recent attention should be paid to health.

Dreaming that I am always very dissatisfied with the results of coating or paint, suggests that the dreamer has strong vanity.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: paint is the protection of external objects and beautification, it also said the two meanings in dream.You may want to cover their defects or protect themselves, but also hope that we can make a good impression.

Psychological analysis: as furniture paint, dreaming that I give you to do something or do something not very satisfied with the work, he hope to be able to modify the perfect or acceptable level.

Spirit: this kind of dreams said on mental level you achieve a particular goal, but he doesn't want others to know about it.

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