Dream of glasses

What is the meaning of dream of glasses?Dream dream of glasses?Dream of glasses have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of glasses detailed solution.

Dream of glasses

Dream glasses, see the world with you and understand the world, also a symbol of the self you know.

Dream of glasses, remind you're sober rationally at the self, or grasp the situation, carefully to reduce errors, the pretensions of avoid by all means.

Dreaming that I wear glasses, remind you observe, reflect on ourselves, not to leave their attention focused too much on the external things, rather than their own factors.Or the opposite, you are too concerned about yourself, and ignore the surroundings, and changes in the world.

Dreaming that I am wearing a pair of glasses that can't see anything and this is to remind you should adjust the way, maybe a change of perspective, will make you benefit a lot.

Dream of notice other people wearing glasses, it is suggested that you may be some lack of reason;Symbol or dream, not in the right place in work or life, let you feel threatened.This dream is also to remind you to take the initiative to take decisive measures to rectify the situation, or change this kind of relationship they don't want to maintain.

Dreaming that I am looking for glasses, finally found, said you will get the unexpected harvest through friends, to better development.

Dreams see optical shop to buy glasses, indicate your plans will be unexpected success.

Dreamed of changing the lens in optical shop, suggesting that your opinions, views, or plan might not be equipped with, and now some you need to review them.

Dream of old woman with a pair of glasses, a man to do such a dream, hinted around some ambition is too strong, stubborn to the work of the female colleague or female leadership, let you feel tired tired.A womanDo such a dream, it may be said of her sex life, maybe you are too focused on work, ignoring the emotional life, and that the subconscious even worry that they will become an old maid.

Dream broken glasses, the dreamer in learning, or self-perception is likely to encounter difficulties.

Dreamed that he wore dark glasses, a dream feeling uneasy, suggested that there could be a bad thing to happen in life, encountered bad luck.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream a dream to see glasses show you look at the world and the correct understanding of the power of the world.If you see someone accidentally wore glasses, may indicate you lack enough reason, or said the people involved can't put you in the right position.

Psychoanalysis: dream see glasses said you put your attention more focused on the outside of their own, no itself.Glasses can also be said prior planning of opinions and points of view, they are arranged in you actually is not the right place.

Spirit: from the perspective of spiritual learning, glasses should prompt transfer observation point of view.

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