Dream of linen

What is the meaning of dream of linen?Dream dream of linen?Dream of linen with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of linen detailed solution.

Dreams see linen, prosperity and happiness.

Dream of linen _ duke of zhou interprets dream dream to dream linen is good what is the meaning of linen _ _ duke of zhou interprets website

Dreamt of someone wearing a linen cloth clothes standing in front of you, indicated that soon you will hear a good message, is likely to inherit a fortune.

Dreaming that I wear beautifully clean linen garment unlined upper garment, indicate very good luck, enjoy endless blessing.

Dream of dirty linen garment unlined upper garment, indicate your life, will encounter bad luck and sad from time to time, and peaceful good life intertwined.

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