Dream of the washing machine

Dream of the washing machine is what mean?Dream dream of washing machine?Dream of washing machines have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of washing machine detailed solution.

Dream of the washing machine

Dreamed of running a washing machine, sometimes suggests that the dreamer urgently want to get away from life, all kinds of annoying little trouble recently.

Dream of washing machine is broken, remind you to pay attention to caring others, especially the life partner, otherwise the relationship may be broken.

Have a lover's unmarried men and women dream of a washing machine, said soonTo get married.

Hunters dream of washing machine main recent money smoothly.

Divorced, widowed dream of washing machine is out of town, a catastrophe.

Dream of washing clothes, says there will be a happy accident.For example, is arranging the bookcase, hidden in the pages before had forgotten the love letters floating away,...This kind of thing really is happy.

Dream of washing dirty clothes, said life will be happy.

Dream of laundry, and very happy in the rubbing, said it will have a happy thing happened, such as ShuiQingRen and you have a happy date, or have a travel, travel entertainment fast go for an outing and so on.

Dream of a washboard, a sign of this is embarrassing event will happen.If you see a woman in the use of a washboard, said they would let youA womanWear off your luck and energy.If the dream is you with a washboard, said is a no attempt to heart, happiness consists in contentment.

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