Dream of light

What is the meaning of dream of light?Dream dream of light?Dream of light have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) the dream of light at the small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of light

The dream lights, is the symbol of smooth and emotion.

Men dreamed of light, it shows that in the life road all the way through.

Women dream of light, showed that the path will be someone accompany with you forever.

A person's life, there are accompanied by a lifetime of emotion, is a great blessing of life.

Seafarers' dream of light, portends a calmThe seaAnd successful trip.For the unfortunate people, will feel from the continuing enthusiasm of young people.For the patient, quick recovery and lasting health.Career will gain new momentum.If the dream of lights went out in the storm or disaster, said when you think of luck as you want, the reverse is true.

Dream of the green, indicated that everything goes well, plan golf smooth implementation.

Men dreamed of the green, or dream of crossing when the light changes, light up the green, said the smooth development of the cause.

A womanDream of the green, said love, marriage harmonious family warmth.

Dream of a green light is broken, or out, suggesting that you will encounter a temporary setback, be careful, will overcome difficulties.

Dream of the red light, the said enterprise or the relationship will encounter temporary barriers, or the current implementation plan there will be a problem.This dream also remind you that there is a potential danger in front at the same time, to be cautious.

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