Dream of salted duck egg

What is the meaning of dream of salted duck egg?Dream dream of salted duck egg?Dream of salted duck egg have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of salted duck egg detailed solution.

Dream of salted duck egg

Dream of salted duck egg, good omen, there will be a fortune.

Dream of eat salted duck egg, will make a fortune.

Dream of salted duck egg was broken, there will be a legal body.

Dream of package, preserved eggs, preserved egg, indicates his can meet a very difficult thing, will bring their loss, but found yourself forward.

Dream of eating preserved egg, preserved egg, said he would overcome adversity, get very rich harvest.

Dreamed of making salted egg, salt, egg, indicates his will continue to challenge the life, rival, will have a very rich.

Dream of eat salted egg, salt, eggs, said he would suffer from the stress of life, that they think will be many think impassability things before.

Dream of salted duck egg

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