Dream of a handkerchief

Dream of a handkerchief is what mean?Dream dream of handkerchief?Dream of handkerchief with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of a handkerchief for detailed solution.

Dream of a handkerchief

Dream of a handkerchief, predict flirting and subsequent agape.

Dream of losing a handkerchief, indicated that the engagement of tear, it is not you but the guilty party.

Unmarried men and women dream of someone gave his handkerchief, predict will soon find a beloved.

Dream of finding a handkerchief, suggesting that love could be a setback, or break up with lover.

Dream of wiped her face and forehead with a handkerchief, said the responsibility will be reduced, life will become easier.

Dreamed of ragged handkerchief that lovers fierce nature is serious, as to want to be, is also unlikely things.

Dream of smudgy handkerchief, forecast for you and no three no four people exchanges, and make her fall.

Dreamed of so many pure white handkerchief that you will not be as shameless nature of vicious people constantly curry favor with flattery, so into the ideal marriage based on love.

Said dream of colourful handkerchief, strictly speaking, your date is not moral, but you use wisdom to deal with, and can successfully avoid shame.

Dream of silk handkerchief, said you lovely charming personality will infect others, make them happy, make you seem to be the embodiment of lucky.

Young women dream of oneself or others waving handkerchiefs to say goodbye or hello, says she is not happy will be on a trip soon, or she will be subject to severe criticism.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Handkerchief, master your breath."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: a handkerchief as a pledge of promise, often means love in dream.

Give yourself a handkerchief, psychological analysis: the dream of others is good omen.Unmarried men and women dream of someone to his handkerchief, means that will soon find agreeable companion.Dream about in bed handkerchief found somebody else, is inauspicious, will mean that their partners do not love themselves, is a new love.Dream of finding a handkerchief, it is will lose a sign of love.Dream of picked up a handkerchief, a sign of this is for the birth of your son.Congratulations to you!

Dreamed of a handkerchief for case analysis

"Dream case 1"

The dream description: sleep, I like to go to the classroom top self-study, walk on campus, the night breeze blow gently, lush, feel very comfortable in my heart.Walked into the classroom, I was the first to come.Open the bags, suddenly discovered that in the package there is a new handkerchief, I wonder who is this to me.(women, 22)

Dream dream resolution: a handkerchief, represents the feelings and luck.Unmarried men and women dream of someone giving a handkerchief, that will find a satisfactory lover.Married men and women dream of handkerchief, love happiness.Dream of cotton handkerchief, show that you can be by his own power and interests;Silk handkerchief signal is good luck;New handkerchief means friends can have very good development, dreaming that handkerchief is dirty or with blood, then imply that there will be a fight.

"Dream case 2"

Description: dream sleep I was in the bathroom to wash a handkerchief, but no matter how to apply soap, wash clean.When the lunch break have a...Was originally a handkerchief, and I do not know when, increase a lot, all over the bathroom, but I still stubbornly hard rub a handkerchief.(women, 19 years old)

Dreams resolution: in adolescent girls, felt disgust for what related to sex, think this filthy dirty.So from a young girlA womanTo exposure to sex, there will be fierce entanglements in heart."Dirty handkerchief" symbol is not clean, immoral, particularly can't the idea of sexual behavior.

This dream can be said for what he had done or being infringed, feels very disgust, want to wash the stain, want to have it erase from the heart of the mind."Do not wash off, dirty handkerchief has been increase", says want to forget also forget not to drop, is a big blow.

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