Dream of fashion

Dream of fashion is what mean?Dream dream of fashion?Dream of fashion with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of fashion the detailed solution.

Dream of fashion

Dream of new dress to wear in the body, the health of flashing red light.Always feel tired, in the school is always absent-minded.Have a classBe careful not to hit KeShui, scolded.

Dream of wearing the most fashionable clothes in the street, good interpersonal relationship.The next six months will not have quarrels with others, can live in a peaceful life.

Dream of cattleJeans is too tight to wear, finances may decline.Often have friends to go to eat ice cream or fruit, but you will know what to do.That is to say, you will provide the communication widely and pocket the shabby and was in a dilemma.

Dream of wearing shoes don't fit me, love will be an accident.Rival in love the possibility is very large.At this moment is not large impulsive, if against consciousness is too strong, it will cause lover's disgust.

Dream of large earrings weight give ear to ache, the opposite sex will have twists and turns.People ignored you, but hate to pester the eyesight of the opposite sex, there is really bitter.

Dream garden, wearing too much and feel ashamed, there will be a lucky thing to happen.Especially in the aspect of love, will learn, you can look forward to working with the likes of the opposite sex to close contacts.If you're already lovers, the relationship between the two people will be more intimate.

Dream of in a department store to buy the buy that, although small, there may be a little happy things.For example, letter from a friend I hadn't seen for a long time;Or father and temporarily give you an allowance, etc., can have a happy day.

Dream of in the craft store shopping, in the opposite sex is a good omen.In this LiangErGe month, can close to the ideal of the opposite sex.

Dream of shirt be broken nails hook, such as friends down.You say a word, is likely to hurt a friend.His destruction, which have to be careful.

Dream of hat cloak blown away,The testThe sharp rise in transport.Before the exam by accident through textbooks, as a result, examination questions from all the lessons...That is good luck.

Dream of the shoe store shopping, finances may decline.Lend money to friends, each other but it was forgotten, and sorry to each other, so we have to think bad luck.

Dream of wearing underwear on the outside, poor physical sign.Is likely to suffer from respiratory diseases.First of all take care not to catch cold, don't stay up late and at night.

Dream of the entrusted bank or store shopping, love.Though it is between you and lover, but your heart was attracted by the other members of the opposite sex.

Dream big in the supermarket to buy food, interpersonal relationship better.Especially the intercourse between friends more closely.Holiday will visit each other, together for an outing, may will be more and more busy.

Dream of wearing several ring, fortune grew rapidly.Maybe there will be money income.

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