Dream of raw eggs

What is the meaning of dream of raw eggs?Dream dream of raw eggs?Dream of eggs have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of eggs the detailed solution.

Dream of raw eggs

Dream of a pile of eggs, say your hard work, ingenuity, and finally can bring wealth to you, can also say you enjoy family happiness.Young women do this dream, say you are very attractive, attracted a lot of admirers.

Dream found a nest egg, said after a down-to-earth struggle, finally can get rich, also said that will bring you many happy lover and children.

Women do this dream pursuit her will at the same time by many men.

Dream you're picking up the egg, predicted that good fortune will bring you a lot of wealth;And because you and impartially, make social people from all walks of life very respect you.

If the dream of egg is bad, said the property loss and personal increasingly degraded.

Dream to see the caseload eggs, said that you can master time.

Dream of eggs

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