Dream of the broom

What is the meaning of dream of the broom?Dream dream of broom?Dream of broom with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of broom detail solution.

Dream of the broom

Dream of broom, usually said frugal life, living youdao.

Dreaming that I am in with a broom, also suggest the dreamer is determined to remove old ideas, usher in a new life.Also remind you of life, to cultivate the personality of independent thinking, reflect on oneself, do not want echo what other says.

Dream of new brooms, frugal said you have good moral character, the economy will be better.

Dream of dirty and ragged broom, recent work need to be careful.

A womanDreamed that he had lost his broom, suggest you dissatisfied with your inner family life.May you already tired of trivial housewife boring life, eager to get out of the family, a vast life more fulfilling.

Dream of the broom dozen, indicated that things are going there will be a great change in the middle.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream basket broom.Dream woman holding a white feather from the outside, the main good wife beautiful house.Dream of people take a white feather, warrants outside the dispute.Dream a white feather hangs on high, and for the home no Lord, ominous.Dream a white feather on a few, the main bonham much.Dream a white feather bed, master much wives.Dream disadvantages with broken basket, the main work has no end."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dreams have a basket with sky.Dream day in a basket, to foresee.Dream of heaven with a broom, as an image of a comet.Broomstick, where is the plan about the house.With slightly to the east, the east beneath;With slightly toward the south, the south beneath;With a little to the north to the west, reason is the same.Lost dream broom hang straight down, principal maternal death."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream brush, ji.Dream, as the exhibition held rewelding, erect, will have good luck."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dreams take broom.If every thing can alert, scale, the disadvantages can be in addition to, things in control, the person for SAN xian trillion also.Both fame and wealth, but the patient can, litigation is arduous, but also just as well."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of the broom

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