Dream of the spherical knob

Dream of the spherical knob is what mean?Dream dream of spherical knob ok or not?Dream of spherical knob with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the detailed solution of spherical knob.

Dream of the spherical knob

Dream of lock, usually symbol of long life, wealth, health, everything goes well.In addition, when the locks and keys as image appear together in pairs, according to analysis of western psychology point of view, and then the lock may also symbol of women's genitals, have distinct sexual connotations.

Dream about buy a lock that you will make a fortune, life rich.

Dream in manufacturing locks, predict future worth looking forward to your career or business.

Dream of the lock, is a successful career, happy life.

Dream of picking, suggesting that you want to accepting heart, even give up their interests and hobbies, dedication to a career, to the many obstacles to success of the service.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: dream of spherical knob of the door, said a turning point in your life will be (will produce relative motion between appearance and knob).A decorated door AnZhu on a relatively simple spherical knob, said the good environment can give a person with a lot of development opportunities.Dream of other spherical knob normally associated with the external environment impact on people.

Psychoanalysis: many important organs when referring to her body, in the language of euphemism, such as spherical knob can represent man's penis or symbol of masculinity.

Spirit: people in hit their unknown in human nature can produce some change model, after the dream of spherical knob on the spiritual level said this kind of change.

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