Dream of bedding

Dream of bedding is what mean?Dream dream of bedding, ok?Dream of bedding with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of bedding detailed solution.

Dream of bedding

Dream of bedding, sexual or saidTo get marriedDesire, also said its fatigue.

Dream of lying on the bed, it is painful and dangerous harbinger, bedridden is synonymous with disease, so, dreaming that I am lying on the bed without sleep, means to get sick, need to pay attention to the body.

Dream of lying in bed without sleep, mean to get sick.

Dream of in a stranger's bed, husband and wife is going to divorce.

Dream of lying on the bed, forecast will be money, his illness.

Dream of sleeping in the bed of flowers, dying days.

Dream of jumped down on the bed, in the material aspect should pay attention to not put the things lost, it will be never back.

Dream of their own bed have ants will become seriously ill.

Old people dreamt that fell to the ground from the bed, death will die.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if you dream to go to bed alone, a symbol with the hope to return to the arms of mother security and insurance.If it involves a fresh sheets on the bed, said must be from a new Angle to overcome those ideas.

Psychological analysis: if you are with another person to go to bed in a dream, might indicate your libido requirements, means that you don't need to fear or worry about his sexual impulse.

Spiritual symbol: a piece of bed may mean some sort of holy spirit, said the feeling of purity.

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