Dream of chocolate

What is the meaning of dream of chocolate?Dream dream of chocolate?Dream of chocolate have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of chocolate a detailed solution.

Dream of chocolate

Dream of chocolate, says you have to take care of before your gratitude.

Dream of chocolate candy, means that your friend is very amiable, career is also very ideal.

Dream of chocolate has soured, suggesting diseases as well as the unpleasant things is going to come upon you.

Dream of drink chocolate drinks, said after short period of adversity, you begin to smooth.

Dreamed that he was eating chocolate, new status symbol of love./ wupin qiaokeli. HTML

If progress is rapid, relation between you and your lover do this dream may indicate you want to have sex.

If you feelings between lovers and happened to be not too well, so do the dream indicates in your heart look forward to closer relationship.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream dream food symbol to person physically, emotionally, and meet the basic requirements with their mental health.If appear this kind of dream repeatedly, so you should pay attention to whether or not they have been ignored some requirements.

Psychoanalysis: chocolate, cake and candy and other dessert on behalf of the people's senses of content, and it also can be said about his love life you are not satisfied.

Spirit: the food in this level symbol of spiritual nourishment.

Dreamed of chocolate case analysis

Dream description: there is a hard job in person, one day dreaming that I go to the supermarket to buy milk chocolate, chocolate has a lot of kinds.The man has been selected, and bought a lot of sandwich chocolate.

Dreams resolution: said the dreams should buy something, or do the thing that oneself like to reward or reward himself.Some people can not live without chocolate, if the dreamer to eat chocolate, every day, may indicate must learn to control themselves.Chocolate is sweet, love and relevant, especiallyValentine's day, many people like to send chocolate to lovers, it stands for love.The dreamer dreams said hope to receive a gift of love.To buy thingsDream also means that the dreamer live very organized, and able to settle for the gain and loss.

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