Dream of screen screen.

Dream of a painted screen is what mean?Dream dream of screen painting?Dream of screen screen have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official websiteDream of screens) small make up to help you organize the detailed solution of the screen.

Dream of screen screen.

Dream of getting screen, bespeak his family is becoming more and more prosperous.

Dream of broken screen, indicate the property will be subject to loss.

Traders dream of others screen, portends a trading profit.

Screen, partition is used to distinguish the layout of the house is also used to keep out indecent sight in opposition and feng shui layout.In dreams, screen, partition often represent a kind of want to something significant differences, with more of a deliberately.

Dream to put a screen wall corner, means they will be squeezed out by people.

Dream and the screen between planted a porch in the sitting room, partition, said they will be successful family happiness.

Dreamed of and in the living roomThe toiletPut a screen, partition, between said recently met a lot of trouble.

Dream of put a screen in the bathroom, means someone recently broke into their own emotional world.

Dream with partition lie between a room of two, said life would be very bad recently, there would be chaos.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

The dream for painting.Dream this test."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream table screen, screen, folding screen.Dream of, consist in Nikko, broken dreams, property loss fee;Lost dream, spring JiQiu fierce.Dream to teach others, the main trading, will be.Dream in a separate screen, screen around the elephant."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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